I will be a runner

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It was now time for dinner so I walked over to fry's and he handed me some food. I made conversation with newt about what jobs I enjoyed (not many) but I never asked about Minho's job.
"What do you have to do to become a runner" I blurted out
Minho choked on his food and started to cough. I looked over at him and he started laughing "you a runner" he laughed.
Newt had a serious look on his face like he wanted to drop the subject
"Well what do I have to do" i tried asking again
"Trust me you don't want to be a runner you probably make a crap job out of it anyway" Minho answered
"Well you didn't answer the question what do i have to do to become a runner" i spoke
"Listen the maze is a dangerous place and being a runner is not a thing you can expect to do for fun because it's not fun and the runners are the only people we rely on to get us out of here." Newt told me

"She is fast" chuck added
Minho and newt looked over to him and gave him a are you serious face
Minho looked over towards newt
"You know she's not going to stop asking" Minho told Newt
Newt sighed
"Fine, Minho will see if you got the guts to be a runner"newt replied
A smile crept across my face
"Thank you guys"
"But that doesn't mean you'll become one you'll need training" newt spoke

It was getting late so I headed up to newts room and I placed myself on the ground. I was just thinking not really sure what else to do, I was tried of not knowing anything so I tried forcing myself to remember but obviously it didn't work. My thinking was interrupted when newt came through the door
"Still awake" he spoke
"Just been thinking" I replied
"What about"
"I want to remember things but I can't and it really annoys me" I said
"Yeah I know how ya feel I wish I could remember but it's just something you have to get used to" he said reassuringly

"I have bad news and good news so the bad news is you have no bed again and the good news is it will be finished  tomorrow forgive me" he said in a sorry voice
"Don't worry about it and yes you're forgiven" I spoke
Newt smiled
"But I am laying on the floor tonight because I got the bed yesterday" I said
Newt just gave a simple fine but I knew he would move me when I fell asleep.
"We found some clothing in the supplies that the box sent up there was a few things in there for you I placed them in the cabinet over there for you" newt pointed over to the cabinet
"Thanks newt"
I got comfortable and said Goodnight to newt
"Night greenie" he replied

I was surrounded by white walls I seemed to be in a lab, all the people were wearing white cloaks and I was laying on a medical table. There was tubes attached to me and fluids were being taken out of me. Where is this place and why was it familiar? A woman approached me and said " Lara you won't remember anything but remember WICKED is good"

I woke gasping for breath my name my name I remember I thought. I didn't realise I woke newt " hey you alright you didn't have a nightmare did you" newt said in a cautious tone
"I remember I remember" I said surprised
"Remember what" he spoke
"My name its Lara"
Newt smiled at me "that's a beautiful name well it's good to finally meet you Lara" newt laughed
I smiled but my face dropped when I remembered the dream I had what was WICKED and why did they take my memories away.

Newt noticed my change of mood and looked at me "what ya thinking about"
" I remember other things too" I replied
"Like what"
"People were doing all sorts of things like running tests, taking fluids and injecting me with stuff" " one woman told me WICKED was good as well" I replied
Newt was silent
"I remember being tested, didn't know what to think of it and now I've given up trying to find answers because you never get em" newt spoke "we'll tell alby later see what he thinks of it"

I noticed the sun was slowly trying to enter the sky but It was still dark.
" I need to show you something get your boots on" newt said suddenly
"What now" i replied
"Yes" he said
He led me out the door and pass the sleeping teenagers, I was extra quiet not to wake them as most of them were light sleepers.
Newt took me over to this window that was covered in ivy that was fixed to one of the maze walls.
Newt hinted to me to take a look so I pressed my forehead against the glass and tried to find the object I was looking for.

I could see behind the glass there were several corridors in the maze, my eyes flickered over to a bright light they looked like a pair of small eyes.
That when I I realized they were eyes and they were coming closer. Out of nowhere a huge creature flung itself against the glass and made a horrible scream that pierced your ears.
I jumped back landing on my butt I was terrified and in disbelief how is a creature like that even alive, how does it exist?

"See now why I don't want you going out there" newt questioned
I stared at him in disbelief "what was that" I spoke
"Well we call em grievers obviously
No ones lived to tell the tale but they're out there" newt added
"Listen I didn't want to scare you but you need to know what's out there and becoming a runner you're putting your life on the line" newt spoke
"So that's why you showed me to change my mind about being a runner, well its not going to change my mind I will be a runner and I will find a way out so sorry if I disappointed you." I got up and headed back to bed but newt didnt follow me and he never came back into the room

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