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I was told a bonfire was taking place after dinner I didn't feel like staying up to see it but apparently I was the guest of honor so I had to stay.

Chuck took my hand and started dragging me over to the bonfire that had some logs to sit on around it.
Chuck took a seat and hinted toward the log for me to sit as well so I did. We both sat there looking at the fire without saying a word but it wasn't awkward it was a good silence. There was a few cheers and chants over in the corner a lot of the boys were huddled in a circle cheering two boys that were fighting but in a friendly way. One was Gally that took me to the slammer but I didn't know the other boy, I need to start knowing the names of some of these people i thought.

I snapped out my gaze when i realized chuck was holding something in his hand, it was a small person carved out of wood it looked beautiful.
"What you got there"i asked innocently.
I think I made chuck jump from my sudden sentence but he replied with "it's for my parents eventhough I don't remember them"
I couldn't help but feel so bad for chuck he was so young and it was unfair none of us could remember anything even our own parents.
"Don't worry you'll see them again" I said reassuring.

"Yeah if we find a way out this maze" he said back.
Wait maze, why the hell am I in a maze.
"A maze why the hell are we in a maze."
I replied eagerly.
"Erm maze I er didn't say maze" chuck stumbled on his words.
"Yes you did" I replied.
"Chuck what did alby say about telling the greenies about the maze" newt approached behind us.
"Sorry newt it slipped"chuck replied worried.
"Go on get out of here" newt spoke.
He then took the seat chuck was in and handed me a drink that didn't look very appealing. I took a sip and instantly spat it out and started coughing. "What the hell is in that" I spoke through coughs. "I don't even know" newt laughed. "Its gally's recipe"

"Well thanks for poisoning me" I spoke.
He just replied with a smile and we sat in silence for a few minutes. Newt finally spoke "so hows your first day so far greenie"
"Why does everyone call me greenie"
"Its what we call the newbies till they get their name back" he replied.
"Chuck said that this is a maze how is that possible" I asked
"One don't pay attention to what chuck says, everything that comes out his mouth is a load of klunk and we don't know why we are here but we were put here by people that we call the creators"
Creators I wonder why they put children in a maze I thought.
"Have you been in the maze is there a way out" I asked innocently.
"Nope no questions wait till the tour tomorrow I'll be skinned by alby if I tell ya information before the tour" he was quick to reply.

"Wait what tour" I asked
"Of the glade and what job you're going to do" newt spoke
"A job what kind of work do you do in a maze" I replied
"You didn't think we sit around like lazy shanks all day did ya" he spoke
"Well I didn't know what to think"
I said nothing more I just stared at the fire and thinking what life could have been like before I ended up here, did I have parents, siblings, friends why don't I remember.

"I should probably go to sleep I'm tried as hell" I spoke up
"If you insist, I'll show you my room" newt said and got up.
We walked away from the fire and became close to the group of boys cheering Gally on.
As we passed I heard people calling "greenie" "let the greenie join" gally snapped his head over to me and spoke "yeah come on greenie let's see what you're made of" I didn't know what to do I can't fight someone the size of Gally.

"Ha you crack me up Gally she's way to weak" "a girl like her don't stand no chance" I heard the boys in the crowd say. Weak I'm weak am I alright I'll prove them not to mess with me.
"Gally leave her out of it" I heard newt say.
But my mind was already set I'm going to beat Gally's ass.
"Alright" I walked over with my hands raised "I'll give it a go" I gave a sneaky smile.
"Rules are simple who ever pushes the other out the circle wins" gally spoke.
Gally got ready to take me but I quickly dodged him at the last moment and he fell face first on the ground.
A lot of the boys stared laughing and I could help but smile. Gally was quick and he knocked me over and my head whacked the ground great two headaches in one day. I grunted and lifted myself of the ground and when Gally was cheering on the crowd I was quick to take out his legs and push him out the circle.

Everyone was in disbelief that I won against one wins against gally.
Everyone cheered for me and gally stood there mesmerized that he was beaten but he wasn't angry he was amazed and he congratulated me that I won. Before i could calculate what was happening i was being hoisted in the air by several boys and I could see newt standing afar smiling at me.

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz