council meeting

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I felt different I felt at peace for once I opened my eyes and I didn't need to gasp for breath. My body slipped away in the sheets of the bed and my head sunk into the pillow. For once I was knocked down I had no plans of moving I was done for the day I wasn't fighting no more battles.

My eyes landed on a figure coming towards me, my eyes were blurry and I could see a mixture of white and brown.
When they reached my side i turned my head to see newt and i soon put the pieces together i was in the medical bay.
"THOMAS, ALBY" I gasped
"Hey it's ok...they're ok" newt stroked the hair out of my face
"What's wrong with you got some kind of death wish" he smiled
"I'm so sorry" I stuttered
"No it's not your fault...what you did was bloody stupid I'll tell you that but you and thomas saved alby's life and I don't know how I could ever repay you for that" he picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles
"I love you" he whispered into the back of my hand
"I love you too" I spoke
It was quiet for a few seconds till newt spoke again
"I guess I haven't asked or made things official but will you be...will you be my girlfriend" he smiled
"Of course I will" I smiled
He leaned in to kiss me and as soon as our lips touched someone bursts through the door


"Nice to see you too" he replied
"What is it tommy" newt questioned
Since when does he call him tommy? I thought
"They're having a gathering" thomas spoke
"Who" newt questioned
"Gally....and he doesn't seem to be very happy" newt went to follow thomas but I grabbed his arm and pulled him in to kiss me.
His lips connected with mine instantly and a steady rhythm formed, he pulled away "someone needs to get that kid to shut up" he smiled
"Newt let me come" I spoke
"No you need to stay here you can't be walking around on your leg" he argued
"If the gathering is about me and thomas I'm going" I spoke back
I lifted myself off the bed and newt rolled his eyes and let out the word fine
I swung my arm around his shoulder and he placed an arm around my waist.

We walked to the gathering, It took some time as I was really slow.
"Guess we both have limps now" he smiled
I looked up at him "how did you get your limp" I asked
"Another time" he looked at the floor
We reached the gathering and newt swung open the door
All heads turned to me
"Ah lara wasn't expecting you to turn up" gally spoke
"Didn't expect you to have the guts to think you're in charge...we all know who's second in command" I snapped back at him
"Hey don't start any trouble....but I appreciate it" newt whispered in my ear he then helped me sit down next to chuck.
"Alright you know why your here....things are changing for the worst" gally started
"Thomas and lara went into the maze and they need to be punished" gally spoke again
I rolled my eyes and looked over at thomas he was staring at the floor with no expression.
I heard a lot of people disagree with Gally and some gladers started arguments
"Alright shut it" newt shouted
Everyone was dead silent
Why is he so hot when he's angry?...ok not the time to think about that

"Lara went into the maze and killed a griever who knows what that could mean for to us" gally continued
"Yeah but she saved alby's life so did thomas" frypan interrupted
I looked over at him and he looked at me and gave me a smile
I mouthed 'thanks fry'
He nodded in return
"Minho you were there with 'em what do you think" newt questioned
Minho sighed
"Well in all my time I've been here I've never seen anything like it...when I tried to turn tale and run this two shanks didn't want to leave alby's side." Minho spoke
"Listen I don't know if they're brave or stupid but whatever it is we need more of it" Minho continued

"I say we make them runners" he spoke again.
My face dropped was this real was Minho really on my side about being a runner.
The crowd went wild obviously some didn't agree, newt then raised his voice again "SHUT IT" he shouted then the room fell silent again
"Gally's right they broke the rules, one night in the pit no food" he spoke he looked over to me and he his face gave an apology look, I mouthed to him 'its ok' and smiled
"Wha...what you really think that's going to sto-" gally was cut off by a loud screaming siren.
Everyone stood up and followed Gally out I stood up with the help of thomas and newt
"Is that" I questioned
"Yeah" newt replied
Everyone ran over to the box, gally and another glader opened it to reveal a girl laying unconscious or dead in the middle if the box.
Thomas took me into his arms I looked up at him... at my brother I didn't know when the perfect moment was to tell him I'm sure there wasn't one but I had to but would this change anything?would he remember?

Newt jumped in box "it's another girl" he exclaimed
Murmurs filled the air and some took it as a good opportunity to be idiots "Is she as hot as lara" one spoke I could see the angry in newts eyes luckily Gally spoke up before anyone got hurt "shut it shank" he spoke
Gally looked down at newt "what's that in her hand" he spoke
Newt took the note and unfolded it, he looked at it for a second and spoke "she's the last one ever" he paused "well what does that bloody mea-"  he was cut off by the girl gasping for air making everyone jump back in terror
"Thomas" she spoke she then rested her head back on the floor and went unconscious again
"Guess she's not dead" one glader spoke
All heads looked to thomas and he was lost for words Gally looked everyone dead in the eye "still think I'm over reacting" he looked at me and thomas lastly
He was right things were changing and not for the good and it started with me, when I came up in the box.

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