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I never ended up getting back to sleep so I just laid there looking at the poorly made ceiling. I didn't intend to lash out on newt I hope I didn't hurt his feelings as bad as I thought.

The sun was starting to rise higher now so I I thought it was a good idea to get some breakfast considering I had to start training early.
I went down to fry's and he gave me the same breakfast as yesterday. I looked over and realized chuck was on a table by himself so I joined him.
"Hey chuck" I spoke
"Hey greenie" he replied
Thank God I had my name back because now I don't have to be called greenie anyone
"Well actually my name is Lara" i told
"You remember"
I nodded and chuck decided to stand on the table and grab everyone's attention.
"Hey everyone meet Lara the new member of the glade" chuck shouted
"What the hell was that" I pulled him off the table
"I thought maybe that could make the  people learn your name quicker" he said innocently
"Well I don't want some of these shanks knowing my name" I said angrily
Chuck started laughing

I gave him a confused and angry look
"What's so funny" I spoke
"You ....trying to use glader slang" he laughed
Oh no i was starting to talk like them I was spending too much time listening to Minho.
I sat back down and everyone carried on eating and chuck finally stopped laughing
Once he calmed down I asked "where is everyone"
Chuck shrugged
I haven't seen newt since the argument last night and alby was probably busy being leader and all and Minho should be training me soon maybe he was getting ready.

As soon as I thought of the word Minho two hands landed on my shoulders that made me jump out of my skin.
"Ready for training greenie" Minho said
"Its Lara now" chuck added
"What" minho gazed over to him
"My name is lara" I spoke
"Well nice to meet ya Lara" Minho shook my hand
"This shank ain't boring you is he" minho spoke again
"Hey" chuck interrupted
"What we all know your jokes are crap" minho laughed
Chuck gave a sad impression I then slapped Minho hard on the arm
"Ow" he shouted while holding his arm
I gave him a smile that said haha.

"Don't know what you're smiling at you look crap yourself you really need a shower." Minho spoke
"You have showers" I spoke in a happy tone, i thought they lived in their own filth.
"What you didn't think sweaty smelly teenagers go about their day without showering did you" Minho questioned
"Well by the smell and look of you yes" I replied with sass
He looked taken back by my comment
"I do shower thank you very much and I run around all day so" he defended himself
"Yeah that's what they all say" I laughed

"Yeah whatever if you want to train you better hurry" he added
I got up said goodbye to chuck and started to follow Minho out the door.
He took me over to one of the corners of the glade and pulled out a stopwatch.
"Ok three laps around the glade" he spoke
My mouth hung open " what I can't run around the glade three times have you seen how big it is" I spoke surprised
"You're lucky I'm not making you do four these shanks in here had to if they thought they had the chops to be a runner" minho snapped
"Do it or I'll call it quits"minho spoke
"Fine" I replied

I started my run keeping close to the maze walls I passed the builders then the slicers and made my way pass the gardens and into the forest.
I noticed when I passed the gardens newt was helping out, he looked over at me and raised off of the floor. I slowed my running not breaking eye contact with him until I came to a stop and just looked over at him. I really want to apologise for last night but what if he doesn't forgive me but he was so sweet he was just looking out for me and why does he have to look so damn hot. No not now you can't feel that way towards him, I was having an inner battle with myself.

I remembered I was been timed so I had to get moving if I wanted to be a runner. I picked up the paste and ran off leaving newt by himself.

Newts pov
I saw lara running probably doing her training as a runner. I may seem selfish because I was doing everything I could to stop her from becoming a runner but she was so headstrong. I was only looking out for her I didn't think she would take my actions to heart. But what am I supposed to do? How do I tell her that- I snapped out my trance when she started running again.
End of pov

After a few minutes I reached Minho, he was standing and he didn't look very happy probably because he was impatient.
I finished my other two laps and noticed newt was no longer in the gardens I didn't think nothing of it he was probably trying to avoid me.
I ran up to Minho fighting for air, I fell to the ground from the lack of oxygen and my legs collapsed from too much running.

"How did I do" I spoke panting
"Wow" minho exclaimed
"Did I do good" I was still panting
"You.......did absolutely" he spoke in breaks
My face was curious and excited
"Crap" he said in annoyance
My face dropped
"WHAT" I shouted
"You're the worst runner we've ever had" he said not amused
"How many minutes did it take" I spoke
"8minutes and 23 seconds" he replied
"That's not bad considering the glade is huge what did you get then when you became a runner" I said
"6minutes and 11 seconds" he smiled
"Well I was close" i spoke
"Not close enough" he smirked
"Well what else can you train me to do, defense, cool tricks with knives I know how about archery" I spoke
" how about no, no and NO" he spoke as he started to walk away
I pulled his arm so he would turn and face me
"Please Minho teach me something I don't want people thinking that I'm a damsel in distress I want to learn how to defend myself" I pleaded
"You won't need to defend yourself" he started walking off again
"Minho please" I gave him the puppy dog eyes
He sighed "fine but don't tell alby he'll kill me" he looked serious

"I wont" I smiled
"Meet me at my room later tonight" he said
That's when he started walking away probably going to do other runner business.
That's when I saw alby approaching me I didn't know what to do did he know about Minho giving me secret defence classes?
"What you doing all the way out here" he spoke
"I was just.." I stuttered
" I know Minho tested you to be a runner" he stopped inches from me
"Yeah he did but I begged him to please don't kill him" I spoke scared
Alby started laughing " if I wanted to kill Minho he would be long gone by now, his sass gets him in a lot of trouble sometimes"
I stared at him not expecting his reaction "so you're not mad I wanted to be a runner" I asked
"Not going to lie I'm surprised none of these shanks have the guts to be a runner, bunch of cowards but I understand why they don't it's not pretty out there and its highly dangerous. We can't risk losing people to the maze we can't afford it" he spoke serious
Before I could speak he changed the subject "I want to show you someone concerning you got your name back now seems like the perfect time." He smiled at me
"Wait you heard"i questioned
"Word spreads quick when you're in a glade" he laughed
So I followed him to the unknown destination.

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