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I woke from my slumber and noticed newt wasn't in the bed next to me and yes I finally had my own bed it wasn't the best seeing as it was made out of wood that wasn't put together safely but its better than nothing.

Surprisingly I slept well not sure if it was all that running I did yesterday or if its because I didn't have those weird dreams to keep me up.
I got dressed in the new clothes the box sent up I put on some cargo pants that had small pockets on the legs and black vest top with thin straps I then put my boots on and went down to fry's.
I must have over slept (and by over slept I mean by an hour or more) no one was sitting at the tables eating food because breakfast hour passed over an hour ago and people were already starting to work at their jobs.

I walked into fry's kitchen "hey fry" I spoke
"Oh there you are I was wondering what happened to you I didn't see you get any breakfast" he turned to face me
"Yeah I think I over slept" I replied
"You think, well you're lucky I like you because I don't serve these shanks if they miss breakfast" he handed me some fruit
"Thanks fry" I smiled
"Now get lost I'm a busy man" he laughed
I walked out of the kitchen and into the glade seeing as my job was still not put in place I looked around the glade to see what job thomas was trying out for today. I ended up doing a whole circuit around the glade to see where he was I passed the builders wasn't there passed the slicers wasn't there passed the med-jacks wasn't there and finally I thought he's probably in the gardens I headed over to the gardens and saw Thomas was speaking with newt (not doing much work)

"Hey guys" I spoke as I approached them
"Morning sleeping beauty got enough sleep" newt smiled
"Yeah well you could have woken me up" I replied
"Well I'm not your alarm clock" he spoke
"Well maybe you should be, at least you'll be useful for one thing" I replied with sass
Thomas laughed
"Ouch I'm so hurt, keep those sassy comments coming and you'll be better at sass than Minho" he defended
"Well I definitely think thomas needs to hear my sassy comments because you're boring him to death by the looks of it" thomas started to laugh again
"Yep you're right there" he replied he then gave me a high five and we both teamed up on newt
"Well remember who's second in command and I can easily get you two in trouble" he smirked

"What you going to do shout at us with your British accent" I laughed
"Or throw crumpets at us" thomas added
We both started to burst out laughing and the other gladers were listening to are argument and they started laughing to, even zart who was digging up the ground

"Yeah you two are so bloody hilarious, here go make yourselves useful and go get fertiliser" newt chucked a basket at the both if us and interrupted our fit of laughter.
I took the basket and made my way into the forest with thomas on my tale.

We calmed down from our fits of laughter and walked in silence that's until thomas opened his mouth "I don't understand" he spoke
"What do you mean" I questioned
"Why you two aren't a couple" he smiled
"Really we're having this talk" I continued walking
"What its obvious he likes you" he continued
"Look I'm not sure if it's right we have this talk, especially not with you" I replied
"What's wrong with me" he questioned
I laughed and shrugged my shoulders
"He likes you but the question is do you like him...." he said
I stopped and turned around to face him
"I...I'm not-" I was interrupted by a twig snapping
Oh god sake if that's newt again and he heard that conversation and thomas once again opened his mouth about me having a crush on newt I'll bloody skin thomas alive.

I looked at thomas and gave him a I'm going to kill you look
He raised his hands to say 'show me mercy' he then spoke "I didn't know he would come out here"

But it wasn't newt it was someone else I noticed the face it was a runner, a friend of minhos I recall his name it was ben.

He had so much hatred in his eyes and the look on his face showed he wanted everyone dead....this is not good I thought to myself.
Thomas stepped in front of me and concern filled his face "are you alright" he walked forward to get a closer look at his expression on his face
As soon as I realised we were in danger I was quick to act "THOMAS DON'T" I shouted but it was too late ben through himself at thomas and wrestled him to the ground.

Ben then pinned Thomas's arms to the floor and sat on top of him he said words and sentences that didn't make sense like "I saw you" "it's your fault"
I was quick to act knowing my friend was being put in a deadly situation.
I picked up a rock and smashed ben over the head with it, it wasn't a big enough impact to make ben go unconscious but it gave thomas a couple of seconds to push him off.
I helped him off the ground and we ran for I lives making are way back to the gardens were everyone else was.
I was slightly slower at running than thomas and ben soon caught up. Ben grabbed me by the leg and he started to strangle me I pushed hard on his face and trying to peel his fingers off my neck put it didn't work.

I tried shouting for help, help from thomas help from newt but words wouldn't come out. Right before I thought I was dead thomas came running to my side and he gave a hard kick to Ben's side.
I felt paralyzed but I couldn't let thomas fight alone so I pulled myself up and ran over to thomas I kicked him off thomas and made him go rolling down a hill I picked thomas up by the shirt and we began running again

We made it we both saw the gardens in front of us and saw newt crouching over we screamed his name "HELP HELP" thomas shouted "NEWT" I screamed his name
We got newts attention and he raised of the ground looking confused
Right as we thought we were safe I fell to the ground I rolled over to ben who somehow  caught up he held a skull in his hand and before I knew it he smashed me over the head with it.

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