The tour

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Newt showed me his room it was fairly tidy apart from the covers on his bed. There was a small window on one wall that looked out at the glade and there was a cabinet or a box type thing that looked like it stored clothing or something but one bed I'm not laying in that with him if that's what the others expect.

"Here you have the bed and I'll take the floor" newt spoke.
"No way this is your room I'll lay on the floor" I argued
"I'm not letting you lay on the bloody floor" he spoke
Why did he have to be so persistent? But he's such a gentleman.
"Its fine I'll have some pillows and blankets" he spoke.
I knew I wasn't going to win with him but i kept trying.
"Let me lay on the floor or I'll make a runner for it" I said confidently making it look like I was going to run.
" OK OK don't bloody run off again, you win" he said raising his hands.
I gave him a smile and he passed me some pillows and blankets I thanked him and took of my boots getting ready for bed. Newt also took off his boots and placed them by his cabinet and got under his sheets.
"Night greenie" he spoke quietly
"Goodnight newt" I spoke

The sun was pouring into the window brightening the room. I felt someone lightly shaking me and i heard their voice say "rise and shine greenie" "wake up lazy bones" "first day come on get up" and I think they lost their temper because suddenly they shouted "GET UP" I rolled over and as soon as I looked up the persons face was inches from mine. I let out a small scream and the person was surprised by my reaction.

"I'm not that terrifying am I, oh no have my good looks vanished" Minho said in a sarcastic tone.
"You wish you had good looks" I replied in an annoyance.
"Ouch greenie words can hurt" Minho joked holding his heart with one hand.
"What the bloody hell are you doing in here" newt was now awake.
I looked over to him and his blonde hair was standing up at different angles it looked like he just got electrocuted.
"Just making sure you two aren't up to no good" Minho replied.

"Its not like newt to stay in so late what did you do to him greenie" Minho joked with a smirk.
"Nothing" I replied
"Yeah that's what they all say" Minho spoke
"Shouldn't you be leaving the maze doors will be opening now" newt said in annoyance.
"Oh yeah good that see ya shanks later" he spoke and left the room.

"Sorry about Minho he's very sassy and can be very annoying sometimes" newt apologised.
"Its fine he seems like a good guy " I replied.
I remembered that I fell asleep on the floor but woke up in newts bed.
"Did you put me in your bed" I asked
"Maybeee" he spoke with a smile
"Anyway better get up greenie alby will be comin round to give ya the tour"
"Right but I dont have any clean clothes to change into" I replied
"No worries you can borrow one of my shirts unil the box sends suppiles"
"Thanks newt"
"I'll  step outside knock when you're decent" he spoke
I changed into newts shirt It was a bit big on my small body but it will have to do.
I called for newt to come back in and he gave me a smile
"I'll let you change I'll wait outside" I spoke and went outside.

Newt opened the door he smiled at me and shut the door behind him.
"Let's go see what fry's cooking" newt spoke
I followed him all the way to frypan's kitchen and I noticed he was cooking eggs and bacon. I'm not going to lie it smelt delicious, I took a plate and so did newt. Fry gave us two eggs and two pieces of bacon, I thanked him and followed newt to a table mostly full with the same people as yesterday but there was two people near the end of the table that I had not met yet.
I took a seat next to chuck and newt sat across from me light conversation was being made but I didn't pay attention. That's when I noticed alby came up to me and patted my shoulder "ready for the tour greenbean" I looked up and nodded.

Alby took me across the glade and said "questions wait till the end, over there is homestead" he pointed to each area he was talking about.
"Over there is deadheads forest is also back there." He continued to talk.
"Gardens are over there where we grow our food and the animals are kept over here." Alby explained
"What do you need animals for" I questioned
"How did you think that bacon ended up on your plate" he spoke
I simply replied with a oh.
"Any other questions or is that it" he questioned
"Why am i here and why am i the only girl." I spoke
" that we don't know, not in three years has a girl turned up and we have no clue why the creators would send a girl" alby replied.
"How long have you been looking for a way out it can't be that hard to solve a maze can it?"

"Its easier said than done greenie, you see the maze changes so its nearly impossible to solve and it's very dangerous outside those doors" he pointed to the same corridor I was looking out yesterday.
"So you need to promise me you will never leave the glade and go out into the maze because If you do you'll be better off dead" he spoke seriously
"Why is it dangerous, what's out there" I spoke
"Another story for another time, it's time to see what job you're best at." He replied

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