Though the griever hole

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Everything seemed to go in slow motion but everything happened so fast.
Gladers were being picked up off if the ground and thrown through the air in different directions.
I couldn't rack my brain together, guilt flooded my heart.
The pain I felt for everyone was unexplainable I couldn't believe all this was possible.

We continued to charge like blood thirsty soldiers towards the hideous beasts...they didn't even deserve names
The sounds of high pitched screams won against our deadly howls.
The grievers flooded our ears with piecing screams when weapons from different angles buried their way into the grievers side.

We took the advantage of spears and machetes in the griever to push it of the ledge. The griever went down tumbling leaving a deadly scream as it disappeared from our sight.

But our mission wasn't complete an army if grievers still tried to wipe us out. We weren't going to make it through if that door didn't open any time soon. "THOMAS GO" I shouted at the top of my lungs but the screams from both grievers and people weakened my voice

Somehow thomas heard and snapped his head over to me. I could tell he didn't want to leave us to defend on our own but he didn't have a choice.
"CHUCK, TERESA GO WITH HIM" Minho shouted over the noise
"CREATE A PATH" newt added over the screams

Everyone split into groups and headed over to a griever they could take a jab at.
We fought with every last piece of energy we had...we fought until every ounce of blood was spilled...we fought until our legs could carry us no more...we fought till our muscles gave up and we fought till we died
We would go down with a fight and we would die fighting

The thought of dying didn't scare me but I was scared I would die for nothing .
So I made it my duty to kill these grievers before I die.
These thoughts gave me a unknown source if energy and I suddenly had all the strength to defeat these beasts.

I relished all my anger on the griever and stabbed it repeatedly in the ribs...if grievers had ribs
I wasn't in this alone I have other gladers I couldn't remember their names take down the griever with me.
As time ticked on the ground was covered in blood and bodies laid limp everywhere, if this wasn't over soon we would all be dead.
"THOMAS HURRY" I shouted no idea if anyone heard me

I continued to dodge the grievers swinging arms but it got me and created a deep gash in my arm.
Red liquid flowed down my arm..not so bad I thought..not compared to some if these guys
The corners of my eyes fell upon some of the gladers, some had blood all over their bodies,someone had an eye missing and someone even had their hand ripped off.
I couldn't bare the look i felt I could be sick any second, so I continued to focus on the griever.

Time trailed on and we weren't getting though this griever unless we had more people. Boys from my left and right were being swept off the ground and sent tumbling off the edge. It would either be me next or I was to face this griever alone.

I heard screams behind me, I had no time to look and I didn't know if those screams could have belonged to Newt, Minho or anyone else I was close with, I just prayed it wasn't them.
As the last glader was thrown into the air I was left alone I had no choice but to keep fighting but the way things were looking I would soon be dead.
I walked backwards trying to avoid the grasp of the monster, I had no where to go and the griever was slowly hunting its It was tormenting me. I knew it was going to make me suffer.

I continued to struggle to get away from the griever but my back hit the stone concrete. I looked to my side and noticed I hit a concrete wall...I was trapped.
So this is how I'm going to die I thought, out of all the things that could kill me it had to be this way.
I pushed my body further into the wall hoping a magic passage will open and I can escape.

I couldn't bare the sight I squeezed my eyes shut. And I took in big gulps of oxygen and my breathing was heavy.

I heard the pace of the griever pick up my only guess was it was coming running straight towards me.
I stood there with my eyes closed my body cowering in fear as I waited for my death.
I was not expecting the next thing to happen, a loud..loud doesn't even sound big enough for what I heard but the loud piercing scream of the griever filled the air.
Screeching flooded the atmosphere and it made me think I could have gone deaf. I hesitantly opened my eyes and saw the guts and goo of the monster cover the ground. And its body laid flat out over it's own insides.

I looked up to see my rescuer and he came running towards me.
"You really think I'm going to let you leave me that easily, I'm sorry but you're bloody stuck with me" newt smiled
He was worn and had blood dripping from his arms and head not sure if it was his or not.
I was amazed he did that all by himself not going to lie it made him seem even hotter than before.
His muscles ripped through his skin as he he held his machete in a type grip and his chest raised and fell with every deep breath he took.
His eyes locked with mine not wanting to blink and miss a second of the glimpse in his eyes I stared back at his.

He leaned in and his lips crashed with was definitely not the moment but it felt so right.
I wrapped my hands around his neck and my hands found their way into his hair.
His lips were soft as always and his touch was so gentle and careful.
Everything was removed from our surroundings and I was engulfed in the moment.
"What was that for" I smiled
Newt smiled "because I had a really crappy day and I needed it"

But of course everything had to come to an end when the sounds of a voice shouted over the remaining screams from grievers.
"THERES A CODE" I heard a feminine voice...teresa
"WHAT" minho shouted
Me and newt snapped out of our haze and headed over to Winston and Minho who were busy in battle.

I could see thomas was pondering and was lost in thought.
"HEY,HEY MINHO WHATS THE SEQUENCE" thomas shouted over the screams of grievers.
"WHAT" minho shouted in confusion
"THE SEQUENCE OF THE SECTIONS OF THE MAZE,WHAT IS IT" thomas shouted straight back

Chaos was everywhere grievers snapping their teeth at everyone and they tried to snatch a easy target.
Everyone was also trying to file into the entrance of the griever hole to get away from the deadly monsters.
Thomas and Minho had to shout at one another because the ear piercing noise of grievers made it impossible to communicate.
"7...1,5,2 erm 6,4" minho shouted but he was cut off when a griever jumped on him
"MINHO" I shouted
We all jabbed our weapons into the griever to save our friend but it wasn't working.
Minho was so close to have his head bit off and the only thing someone could do was sacrifice themselves and that's what jeff did.
He jumped straight into the grievers and was dragged away like a ragged doll.
His screams filled the air but it worked Minho was back on his feet and continued to shout the code "8...3" he shouted

Panic took over everyone's body, the was no sign of humanity left...the creators took care of that.
We tried our hardest to keep the grievers away by stabbing them in the face but It was impossible to stop them from grabbing us.

Then a loud ticking noise filled the air I looked over the see the key pad on the wall say complete
The walls started to shut together now squashing the grievers like bugs. The insides of the grievers splashed up our legs and the noise of air swooping snapped us out of our gaze.

We looked behind us to see the door open and a tunnel of darkness consumed us.
We were engulfed by the unknown.

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