The new greenie

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"Ready here I come"the sound of a boys voice echoed though my head
"Hmm I wonder where lara is" the boy spoke again. A girl was hiding behind a bed and she was peering over the covers.
"Found you" he spoke
"No that's not fair thomas I wasn't ready" she argued
"Nope I won fair and square" he laughed
Silence filled the air until the girl blurted out "please don't leave me" she then started crying and thomas took her in his arms "I'll never forget you" he replied

I woke so sudden and gasped for air thomas the name it's so familiar. What ever that was I needed to know who Thomas was.

I was confused at first when trees were towering over my head but I remembered I ran out here in my fit if rage. "Great how am i supposed to act when I see him, newt oh god I'm going to kick his British butt" I said to myself
The sun was still low everyone was probably still asleep I thought.
Well it doesn't look like I'm going to be eating with the other gladers this morning so I guess fry wouldn't mind If sneaked in and got some fruit. I headed over to fry's kitchen and took a few things to eat I didn't expect the thing that was about to happen I turned around to be confronted by Minho
"I don't think fry will be very happy you raiding his food" minho smirked
"I erm well you're in here" I defended
"Yeah well I'm packing my lunch because I'm a runner remember"
"Oh right" I said
We stood in silence for a while
"Don't be too harsh on newt he's only looking out for you" he finally spoke
"Making decisions for me yeah I'll show mercy for him" I said in annoyance
"Talk to him" minho spoke he then patted my shoulder and walked out

I walked out the kitchen not feeling hungry anymore and walked across the glade, maybe I just needed fresh air.
I walked though the forest and looked up at the trees that surrounded me deciding which one I should climb I decided it was one of the biggest trees I would climb.
I perched myself on a branch and rested my head on the spine of the tree.
I lost myself to my thoughts
Why am I getting memories back when I'm not supposed to remember? Who was thomas and why did we get separated? What am I supposed to do? I've been here for 3 days and I can already feel myself waste away these guys have been here for 3 years with no answers how did they survive?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed something land on the branch next to me. It was a bug but it was made out of metal it looked at me and I could see a red light in the centre of the head. I saw it had the initials of W.I.C.K.E.D engraved in the metal. Wicked? The same word that was repeated in my dream, "WICKED is good" but what is it?

I was mesmerised by the strange creature and before I could register what I was doing I raised my hand to touch it.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" a voice spoke
I was taken back by the sudden voice and I looked down to see newt standing there with his arms crossed and his eyes gazed at mine.
I ignored him and rested my head against the tree again.
Newt didn't say anything instead he decided to climb the tree and sit right next to me.
"Beetle blades" he looked at me
"Hmm" I replied
"That's what they're called, it's how the creators watch us"
I didn't reply simply because I didn't know what to say and maybe because I was pissed.
"How long can we carry on not talking" he spoke up
"Oh I don't know maybe I don't want to talk to the guy that just ruined everything" I said annoyed
"I know you told alby not to let me be a runner" "why did you do that" I spoke calmly surprisingly
Newt didn't respond he was probably trying to put together an answer
" I didn't want to see you get hurt" he looked at me and I could see in his eyes he only wanted to protect me
"Newt please don't make decisions for me I can look out for myself but don't get me wrong I appreciate you looking out for me, no one has been there to look for me unlike you have." I gave him a soft smile
"But that doesn't solve the runner issue" he looked down
"I don't want you to... I don't want you going out in the maze because if worst is to come I.....I won't be able to live with myself" he stumbled on his words
"I can't risk anything bad that could happen to you...I" he was still stumbling
"Newt what are you trying to say"
I was now curious
"I-" newt was cut off by a piercing alarm noise, I jumped out my skin nearly falling of the branch
"What the hell is that" I shouted holding my ears
"No that's no right it hasn't been a month yet" newt exclaimed
He then climbed down the tree and I followed. When we reached the ground i noticed gladers where running around like headless chickens.

"What's happening" I looked up at newt
He started to run while talking to me
"Its the new greenie alarm tells us when they're sending a greenie up" newt replied
"What's so bad about getting a new greenie" I questioned
Newt stopped " it only happens once a month we're not due for another one" I could see the panic in his eyes, nothing like this has ever happened before.
Newt carried on running towards the box and I had to run fast to catch up with him. We arrived at the box and the gladers surrounded the box making it impossible to see if there was anything in the middle.

I pushed my way through so i could get a good look. Gally and newt pulled the doors to the box open and a confused and scared boy sat huddled in one corner.
Gally jumped in and pulled him to his feet "day one greenie rise and shine" he spoke. He was then throw onto the grass and as I looked down at him his eyes locked with mine that's when it hit me I knew his face...I knew him.

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang