Dinner drama

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I lost track of time but I was probably in the slammer for 2 hours or more until alby came to get me out.
"How you holding greenbean"
"Ok I guess but what is this why am I here who are y-" I was cut of by alby's interruption. "Questions will be answered tomorrow when I give you the tour for now keep your mouth shut"

I was taken back by his words I could tell he didn't have much patience.
"Let's go see what frypan's cooked up I'm sure you're starving" as alby finished his sentence my stomach growled. Alby opened the slammer so I could get out and he took me over to frypan's kitchen.

I noticed most of the boys that stood looking at me when I arrived were sitting on picnic benches eating food and chatting to one another. As I walked over to grab a plate with stew on it that frypan cooked up all heads turned to me. I'm really going to enjoy my stay being surrounded by boys 24/7.

"Quit starring shanks or you'll be banished" as soon as alby said the word banished all heads looked down at their food like it was the most interesting thing in the world. What did banished mean, whatever it is I don't think I want to know.

I said thank you for the meal and alby took me other to a table that had a spiky haired Asian boy, the boy that I saw earlier that was 12-13 he seemed shorter now that I wasn't in the box and there was two more boys sitting across for one another at the end of the table and newt the guy who nearly gave me a concussion.
Newt looked up at alby "alright ably didn't try to make a runner did she"
Alby replied with "not this time"
"Greenbean this is chuck, Minho and those two down there are Clint and jeff the med-jacks and you know newt"

"Wow she really does look like klunk" chuck said with a laugh.
"Chuck" newt said in a wary tone.
"Not like that she looks tired I mean" chuck replied.
"Found anyone you like, take your pick theres loads of shanks to choose from" Minho spoke.
"Minho she's hasn't even been here for a day" newt quickly defended.
I ignored Minhos questions and carried on eating trying not to make eye contact.
"Well she can't sleep out there with all those shanks can she, who knows what those idiots will do" Minho's sassy comments kept coming. "Someone will have to share a room" he suddenly said, no way am I sharing a room with him.

"That's a good idea Minho that way you can be far away from these shanks" he turned and said to me.
"So Minho and newt will share and you can stay in newts room." Alby declared.
Minho and newts face dropped and chuck bursts out laughing.
"That's not what I was really referring to" Minho was quick to answer back.
"You really think I'm going to let her share a room with you" alby was quick to answer.
"I'm not sharing a room with that pig have you heard his snores" newt argued.
" I don't snore" Minho defended himself
Chuck now started making pig snores and was now hysterically laughing.
"Shut it shank I don't snore" Minho started to get a bit frustrated now.
"I'd rather share a room with greenie than him" newt spoke.
"Well its official, greenie you'll share a room with newt till we get your own sorted" alby declared.

Well this is great.

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