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"I need to show you guys something" Minho spoke as we walked out the doors.
"What is it" I asked
"Follow me" he started to jog off and me and thomas looked at each other confused but we followed.

Minho led us to this hut in the forest
"This is the map room" minho spoke
Me and Thomas walked in lowering our heads when we walked through the door. There were workings all over the walls and a sheet covering something circular on a table.
Minho walked to one side of the table while me and thomas stood in the opposite side,minho then pulled the sheet clean off and placed both hands on the table bending over to see a maze made out of sticks.

Me and thomas leaned in closer
"Its the maze.....all of it" minho spoke
"What do you mean all of it" I asked
"Yeah I thought you said you were still mapping it" thomas spoke
"Theres nothing left to map...I've run every inch myself,every cycle every pattern if there was a way out we would have found it by now" minho replied
Mine and Thomas's faces dropped so there is no way out we are going to be trapped here forever I thought
"Why...why didn't you tell anyone this" thomas questioned
Minho raised and walked over to thomas and passed him the 'grievers heart'
"It was albys call people needed to believe we had a chance of getting out but maybe now we have a real chance" minho replied

"Take a look" minho pointed to the maze "a year ago we started to explore these outer sections and we found these numbers printed on the walls...sections one to eight" minho looked up at us
"You see the way it works every night when the maze changes it opens up a new section"
Me and thomas looked at each other not sure if curiosity of confusion filled our faces
"You see today section six was open, tomorrow will be four then eight, three the pattern always stays the same" minho continued
Thomas looked at the metal which had the number seven in red "what's so special about seven" he questioned

"I don't know when lara killed that griever section seven was open...I guess that's where it came from" minho spoke
My eyebrows furrowed together, things started to piece together..things started to make sense.
"Tomorrow we're going to take a closer look" minho smirked
I looked at the both of them and smiled.
We were interrupted by our conversation when some gladers rushed to the door out of breath
"Hey you shanks aren't supposed to be in here" minho spoke
"I know" they huffed
"Its..its the girl..she's awake" one spoke
Me and thomas looked at each other and quickly dashed through the door. We made our way over to the crowd and saw she was throwing rocks at the boys below
"Chuck what's going on" I questioned
He pointed upwards to a tree "girls are awesome " he laughed

Everyone was holding random objects over their heads like pans and planks of wood. I heard someone say "take cover ya'll" and Gally was shouting for her to stop but she simply replied with "go away" I found newt in the crowd and shielded my head with my hands as I walked over to him standing under a plank of wood which was being held by Winston. He wasn't mad though he started laughing "I don't think she likes us very much" he laughed
Thomas then approached the crowd "hey hey its Thomas" he shouted while trying to dodge the rocks
Then she suddenly stopped, no rocks were being thrown and she peered her head to look down at Thomas
"Ok I'm coming up" he spoke
"You guys wait here" he looked at us
Everyone lowered their shields and waited to see if she would come down.
We waited a good five minutes till thomas called my name "lara can you come up here for a second" he shouted
I gave newt a confused look and headed into the tree
Teresa gave me a sorry look "I'm so so sorry" she stuttered "it's all my fault I shouldn't have done this" she continued
"Woah slow down" I spoke "what do you mean" I questioned
"I helped WICKED put you in the maze and friends don't put eachothers lives in danger" she spoke
"We..we were friends" I questioned
"You two were the closest I had to family and I got you put in the maze trust us to all end up here" she looked at the ground
"How come you remember no one knew anything when they first arrived" I questioned
"I..I don't know when I was unconscious I had lots of dreams but they were too real to be dreams i think they wer-" i cut her of "memories" I questioned
"Yeah..I remember working for WICKED and watching you go into the maze then thomas..and I remember when we were all kids and WICKED separated us" she looked at the ground

We were so into our conversation that we forgot about everyone below "is she coming down" newt shouted
"Just a second" I shouted back
Teresa then put her hand in her pocket "here" she pulled out two small tubes filled with a blue liquid "these were in my pocket when I came up" she passed them to thomas and he inspected them.
I had no clue what they were but it looked like a lightbulb lit inside thomas
"Alby" he spoke
"We don't know what this stuff is, for all we know it could kill him" newt looked at thomas
Alby didn't look good he was getting worse, he was covered in sweat and he was struggling to breath.
"Newt he's already dying" thomas pointed to alby and newt glanced over with his arms crossed
Newt let out a sigh "alright" he spoke
Thomas then walked over to alby "alby this is going to make you better" he reassured
Thomas leaned over him and alby gave thomas a cold look and he grapped him by the shirt
"You it's you...it your fault" he started to grip thomas hard and shout words I didn't understand
Newt and I where quick to grab alby off of Thomas "where's the Syringe" thomas yelled
Teresa came over and stabbed the substance into alby, he calmed and his arms loosened and he fell back as sleep.

We were all shaken and in disbelief "from now on someone watches him around the clock" newt spoke out of breath and everyone agreed. We left alby to rest and everyone went their separate ways I followed newt into frypan's kitchen and we both took a seat and started eating. Minho joined our table and so did chuck but no one said anything, thomas was no where to be seen I thought he probably was keeping Teresa company. I never liked this place and I never accepted this as my home but I miss the days were everyone was ok, now everything is changing and things are getting worse.
Everyone was depressed and you could tell everyone feared what would happen next. We all ate in silence and I wished everyone a good night and I headed to the room for a early night seeing as I had to wake up early. I changed my clothes and removed my gear and tucked myself into bed.

I heard the door creak open an I snapped my head towards the door "did I wake you" newt whispered
"No your good" I replied
"Well it's been a very eventful day you definitely need your beauty sleep" he smiled
"Thanks I think you need more because your frown is starting to become permanent" I laughed
"Hey" he gently pushed me
He then started to take of his boots and gear but then he decided he would remove his shirt he placed his boots and shirt at the end if his bed and turned around to see me staring at how amazing he looked,his arm muscles stood out from his whole figure
"Got a good enough view" he laughed
I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment "what made you change your choice of night ware" I questioned raising an eyebrow
"Its..er hot tonight" he stuttered
"Its cold" I spoke
"This isn't minhos advice you two were arguing about the over day" I questioned
Redness started to fill newts cheeks
Ha got him back I thought
"Well...kinda" he smiled with worry
"Don't listen to Minho he's probably never had a girlfriend he's probably jealous" I smiled
"You're probably right" he walked over to my bed and kissed me goodnight

I laid facing the ceiling I wasnt going to get to sleep anytime soon
Fine shuck it I thought I walked over to newts bed and lifted the covers "what are you doing" he questioned
"Budge up" I pushed him to one side of the bed and I laid on the other I placed the covers back over us and i rested my head on newts chest while he wrapped his arms around me. I soon sunk into a sleepy haze.

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now