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The girl never woke, she mumbled words in her sleep and Gally got everyone convinced thomas and the girl were bad news. I don't know about the girl but thomas you could trust, I knew I could trust thomas....i knew I could trust my brother.

I was forced by newt to return to the med-jacks, he wanted a close eye kept on me and he didn't want me to pull my stitches..I agreed to that one.
I laid on my medical bed and just stared at the ceiling to pass time, seeing as I had nothing else better to do.

Images flashed through my brain figures were moving, liquid dripping into tubes, doctors all in white and the face of the girl came close to me, "it's ok this is all being done for a reason" she hovered over me. More images flashed through my head and everything stopped when I saw Thomas's face "Teresa why are we doing this" he spoke. Her name was teresa? Why was she in my dream and why did she work for WICKED? Flashes were starting again and I saw the maze and heading right towards me was a griever but I couldn't run I was glued in my spot right before the griever grabbed me I woke up screaming.

I jumped up and my screams filled the room I saw thomas,newt and Minho burst into the room. "Hey what happened" newt rushed to my side.
"Let me guess nightmares" minho questioned
"I guess you could say that" I looked over to thomas who was trying to avoid eye contact...he was hiding something
"simply one night in that maze will give you nightmares for the rest of your life" minho added
"Yeah thanks for that" I looked up at him
"What time is it" I added
"Nearly six you two are going to have to go in the pit soon" newt glanced at me and gave me a sorry expression
"Its okay" I smiled at him as he traced circles around my hand
"Not going to give a goodbye kiss" minho spoke "after all he is your boyfriend" minho smirked
"How did you find out" I questioned while slightly blushing
"Word spreads quickly and you didn't think my good old pal wouldn't tell his best friend did ya" he pointed to newt,
Newt rolled his eyes "I didn't tell you all that so you could bloody start a gossip magazine" he spoke in annoyance

Thomas was standing awkwardly not really fitting into the awkward conversation.
"You asked for answers so I gave them to you, I think lara should know what she's been missing" minho smirked
Newt looked like he just came out of an oven, he was red in the face.
"Shut it" newt spoke
"What answers" I spoke
Minho started laughing
"I will kill you" he warned
"Newt doesn't know how to talk to girls" minho laughed
Newt kicked Minho in the leg
"Ow.....he also asked how you kiss a girl" minho was now starting to make Thomas laugh.
"You can shut it" newt glazed at thomas
I thought it was cute and I smiled at  newt "ignore them" I spoke he just smiled back at me and the redness in his face started to fade.

I loved these moments all of my friends being around me and making the stupid and funny remarks they do, it's the only thing that truly reminds me that I'm a teenager and not some soldier that has to fight battles. My joy was interrupted by a glader that walked in "times up" he spoke
I looked at newt to say goodbye till I saw him in the morning I gave Minho a smirk and he replied with one to and me and thomas were taken to the slammer.

I made my way over to the slammer with a limp, thomas was there to help but he was to busy dreaming in his own world. The door was shut after we landed our butts on the floor and I watched as the boy walked off towards homestead.
"What's been up with you lately" I questioned thomas
He looked up at me with panic in his eyes
He was silent for a couple of seconds
"I've...I've been having these dreams but they've been too real to seem like just dreams.......I think they're memories  and I........I don't think I was suppose to remember some of them." He stuttered
I looked at him not sure what to say, I gathered words in my head.

"I've been having dreams too and they've been really were there" I spoke
Thomas looked up at me and he wasn't surprised he looked as if he understood me.
"That girl she was in my dream so were you" he replied.
"Teresa" I spoke
Thomas nodded "when I saw her face I knew her instantly and i remember.....I worked for them...the...the people..who put us here" he spoke "we both and Teresa" he continued
"I worked for them lara, I helped put these people in this maze including you and I just watched my friends die and I let them do this....I let them do this to you" he spoke, I could tell he was getting worked up and was angry with himself
"Its okay" I reassured him
"No no it's not....I need to tell you something and I'm not sure if you're going to hate me for not telling you but...I'm" he stuttered "I'm your-" he was cut if by me "brother" I questioned

He looked confused and surprised " you knew" he questioned
I nodded " i had a dream about you....I remember when we were kids...I remember we used to sleep in the same room because I was scared of the dark...we played games all day long not wanting to socialize with our parents" I frowned and thomas looked sad in the eyes "you used tell me everything was going to turn out told me the darkness will turn into light....I remember i was smarter than you back then and taller" I laughed and Thomas scoffed.

"And I remember they separated us and you had no choice but to leave wasn't your fault they did this to us not didn't have a choice" I spoke
Thomas just looked at the ground " I'm just glad i got to see you again even if we are trapped in a maze" I smiled
He lifted his head and smiled back at me.

'Psst' I heard a voice, my eyebrows furrowed together in conversation and I picked myself off of the floor.
I looked out through the bars of the slammer and saw chuck was hiding to the side.
"Hey chuck" I whispered
Thomas now lifted himself of the floor came towards chuck
"Here" chuck passed us something wrapped in cloth
I passed one piece of the cloth to thomas and I grabbed the other and opened it to reveal food.
Thank god food I was starving me and thomas stuffed the food in our mouths and thanked chuck.
He then plopped himself down on the grass above.
"Do you remember your parents" he questioned
Me and thomas looked at each other "no but we remember one thing" I turned to face chuck "we're siblings" I smiled
Chuck's face lightened up "really" he exclaimed
I nodded
"That's so cool" he spoke
We sat in silence for a few minutes "I dont remember my parents" chuck spoke
I looked at him and reached for his hand through the bars "I promise you will see them again somehow" I replied with a smile
"you should get some sleep" thomas added
"Oh yeah see you guys tomorrow" chuck replied
"Night chuck" I spoke

I snapped out of my sleepy haze as I heard footsteps approaching.
I looked out to see Minho jump in front of the slammer door. I jumped back hitting my head on the ground
"Could you not do that" I spoke
"Sorry princess did I wake you" he smirked
"Just get us out please" I replied
I then gave thomas a kick to wake him, he woke almost instantly his hair was all over the place and he was covered in dirt.
"Hmm let me think about it" minho smirked
"MINHO" I warned
"Alright alright" he spoke, opening the door
He helped pull me up and he grabbed Thomas's attention "we gotta do something today" he whispered eventhough I could hear him
"What" thomas questioned
"Later when we haven't got ears on us" he spoke
"I can hear you minho" I crossed my arms
He turned to me "what are you doing that doesn't involve me" I questioned
"Nothing" he replied
"Tell me or I'll tell newt you're up to something" I threatened
" thomas and a few other gladers were going to go out into the maze to take a closer look at the griever you killed" he replied
I felt sick I'm my stomach,the thought of having my leg nearly ripped off left me feeling light headed all most instantly.
"Why can't I come" I questioned
"One you nearly had your leg ripped off, two you won't be able to run and three you're annoying" he answered
"one you're annoying, two I will be able to keep up and three I was the one that killed it so at least give me credit and let me go back" I argued
Minho sighed knowing he wouldn't win

"Fine, let's go dissect a griever"

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now