Lara has a crush

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Things didn't settle too well with the new greenie. Gally was being well Gally and he ended up getting a punch in the nose from the greenie. He then tried to make a runner after and he nearly ran into the maze but luckily newt was there to stop him.

So after trying to constantly run after him he was put in the slammer that was after he fell and hit his head and went unconscious.
I couldn't get over the fact I knew him from somewhere or something but how I knew this was important and I needed to find out why? I headed over to the slammer and saw he was looking through the bars.
I approached him and he didn't realise I was there, he jumped back and hit the ground hard
"Good afternoon how was your nap you hit your head hard" I spoke with a smile
He just glared at me scared out of his skin.
"I'm not going to hurt you I was put in your position three days ago I know your scared and-" I was cut off
" I'm not scared" he replied
I was shocked that he spoke I thought he would stay on mute forever

"Do I know you" he spoke again
"I'm not entirely sure you seem to have a familiar face" I replied
"You do too"
"Well whatever it is we can discuss it later, I bet you're starving"
He nodded and I opened the slammer for him to get out
He hesitated but there was a connection like there was trust, we trusted each other straight away.
There was so many gladers here and they relied on each other to survive but trust had to be built up like when I first arrived I didn't trust anyone sometimes I don't even trust Newt with what he's going to do next but with him there was something like a candle that just needed a flame to get it going.

I helped him out the slammer "names lara by the way"
"Ah don't worry you'll remember your name in a couple of days"
"No name is thomas" he looked at me
THOMAS I remember he was in my dream this is the same person that was in my dream all those years ago when we were kids we knew each other but what's the relationship.....friends?
It was like a spark lit inside of me I now recognize his face maybe it was nothing it might just be a coincidence that a boy that looked the same and had the same name ended up in my dream. Yeah right coincidence it must be real

"Well it's nice to meet you Thomas" I smiled
We headed over the frypan's and grabbed some food I saw a table with alby, chuck, minho and some other gladers
"Sup gorgeous" minho smirked
"Sup hideous" I laughed
"Rude" he replied
That's when their eyes landed on the figure behind me
"What do you think you're doing taking the greenie out the slammer" alby spoke angry towards me
"He needed food and you weren't going to let him out" I replied
"He's supposed to stay there for one night and no food" he interjected
"He just got here and he's confused" I argued
"He punched Gally and got us running after him all day" alby spoke
"Well Gally asked for it and he needs answers, you can't punish him for being scared you let me out of the slammer when it was my first day" I argued
Alby sighed
"Take a seat greenbean" he spoke
I smiled at thomas to tell him he could sit down
"Its not greenbean its thomas" thomas spoke, I didn't expect him to but it looked like he would have a bit of a tongue

"So getting knocked on the head knocked some sense into ya did it" minho replied in sass
I gave him a warning glare to shut his mouth
I looked around searching but he was no where to be seen
"Where's newt" I questioned alby
"Don't know thought you would know" alby replied
"Why would I know" i questioned back
"Well ain't you and blondie a thing" alby smirked
"Nara" minho laughed
"What" I looked over to Minho
Chuck started laughing
"Nara nara" he started chanting "newt and lara sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G" chuck sung
"Shut it we're not dating" I said in annoyance
I started to see a smile creep across Thomas's face I was happy he was now settled in but annoyed he was encouraging the others
"See even thomas thinks you two are dating" minho laughed
" don't encourage them or I'll throw you back in the slammer" I spoke to him
He carried on smiling

"What's got you shanks entertained" I heard newts voice behind me
Panic started to rise inside me
Oh bum I thought
I gave the boys a wary look to not say anything to him but of course thomas had to blurt out "lara has a crush on newt"
Chuck and Minho spat out their water and started laughing
What NO he didn't just say that oh god, I smacked my head and mouthed 'that's newt' to him
He mouthed back 'oh'
"Ok then" newt replied and took a seat next to thomas
" I see you settled in already" he spoke to thomas probably trying to change the subject.
"Kinda" thomas replied
"Well tomorrow we'll see what job suits ya greenie" newt smiled
"Its thomas" I added
Newt looked over to me and smiled
"Nice to meet ya Tommy I'm newt as you probably heard" he looked over towards alby, minho and chuck and gave them a glare
They all just gave a weak smile and tried to avoid eye contact
We finished eating and eventually it was me,chuck and thomas left on a table by ourselves.

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now