Lets play a game

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I was lost I didn't know what to do with myself anymore I went up to mine and newts room and laid on my back looking at the ceiling well it wasn't much of a ceiling I was poorly built and nails were poking out in different directions.
I felt guilty, upset, angry and happy my emotions are all over the place I didn't know if I should be feeling guilty about ben, he's dead and  he couldn't help himself from turning into a rabid animal. I was mad I haven't got anything to do with myself I'm not going to become a runner because of newt and I'll probably end up becoming a slopper. But I can't stop thinking about the kiss does this make me and newt officially or was it like a one off thing? No because he said he loved me so we're more than that
I was having an argument with my inner thoughts

I sighed and continued to look at the ceiling to pass time I counted how many nails were poking out (there was a lot why am I not surprised)
That's when Minho marched through the door "thought you'll be in here" he walked over to me and I turned on my side and faced the wall
"Oh don't be like that I'm not that ugly to look at" he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him
"I know that look you feel guilty" he sighed
I sat up and he sat on newts bed which was beside mine.
"I...I feel guilty me and thomas must have done something to nearly get killed by a innocent person" I stuttered
"Look Ben's been my friend since well since I remember and It was hard to let him go but when your stung theres no going back he was too dangerous you couldn't trust him." He looked me in the eyes to reassure me.
I just nodded
"Now up you get you definitely need to change those clothes" he exclaimed he then opened my box filled with clothes and started throwing some clothing at me
"Hey minho get out-" I was cut off when he pulled out a box of tampons
"Erm" I looked at him and he was in disbelief
"How come the creators sent you sweets or popsicles what ever one it is" he frowned
"Minho erm" I was paralyzed I didn't know what to say
And that's of course when newt walked into the room
"Hey lar...minho what are you doing in here" he spoke
"Came to see your girl" he smirked " did you know she's been keeping a hidden stash of popsicles in your room" I told him
Oh for..I'm going to kill these guys if they don't keep their mouth shut for one bloody minute.
"What" newt was really confused wishing he didn't walk into this conversation
"Here" he chucked them over to newt and he caught them
"Hey" I jumped out of my bed and went to grab them out of newts hand but he was taller than me so a held them in the air with one hand so I couldn't reach them.
"There not popsicles" I spoke
"Then what are they" minho questioned
"A girl thing" I replied
I was still trying to grab them out of newts hand but he passed them back over to Minho
"Minho give them" I said in annoyance
"Ok Minho give lara the popsicles that aren't popsicles" newt laughed
I put them back in my box and pushed Minho out the room.
After I shut the door I ran over to newt and hugged him
He was taken back but hugged me as soon as he registered what was happening
He then leaned down to kiss him but I slapped his cheek gently
"What was that for" he held his cheek
"You being a shank" I laughed
"Oh so you're using glader slang now" he smirked
"Well I've been surrounded by boys that talk like absolute idiots so I guess I pick up on the vocabulary easy" I smiled
Newt just laughed

He headed down to fry's for dinner and I sat at the table with the usual alby,chuck,minho,thomas and newt.
Everyone was quiet and no one made conversation not even Minho made any sassy comments,Chuck wasn't telling his jokes that were not very funny I'll admit, alby was being alby keeping to himself, Thomas wasn't asking questions for once and newt didn't even say hi to the others even the other gladers at the table kept there mouth shut even fry didn't seem himself.

That was it I had enough I slammed my fork on the table and made everyone jump but at least I got their attention.
"Look I'm not going to let you lot sit here and be miserable butts" I was about to walk out until I heard newt say
"Where you going" I turned around and smiled
"We're going to play a little game" I ran out of the kitchen and went into the forest to gather rocks
I placed ten rocks in a pile in the gardens and ten rocks near homestead.
I then went back into fry's and gathered everyone who was up for the challenge
Surprisingly there was a few people that wanted to join other gladers like Gally and his squad wondered off to do what they do best (absolutely nothing)

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu