No souls diet . . . and a cheat day.

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   (A/N: I made up the villain "Trypanophobia" for the plot. He's not a real villain in the anime series nor manga.)

   A new day at the training camp, a new hell that had to be suffered through for everyone. I heard that the remedial students were actually up till two in the morning before having to join us for training once again at seven. As usual, I was wrestling a bull-like rock giant from before but this time with more strain on my hands and feet as I basically said "fuck messing up my shoes today". So here I was, training with rolled-up sleeves, no shoes, and sweating until the salt burns my eyes.

I wonder if that Stark guy at home trains this hard . . . Rich bastard probably doesn't need the training.

   "Don't lose focus. Each of you can move faster and no matter what you're doing, just remember where you started from. Don't forget who you were before U.A. and keep in mind why you're sweating and why your limits keep getting tested . . . This is what it means to improve." Aizawa's lecture was meant to inspire but I literally caught the finishing bit of the conversation as the beast got the upper hand and rammed me out of the makeshift pit I was to be training in today.

   "Oh, now you did it you piece of-"

   "Cunningham! Don't make me add to your training for your language!"

   "Katsuki literally has the same issue but for stupid reasons!"

   "Shut it fire shit! And stop talking like we're friends!" I gestured to Katsuki to prove a point but was only met with another devastating blow from the creature before. This time, however, he managed to land its horn in the side of my arm and pin me there in agony.

   "You know what!?" I latch my hands on to the eyes of the beast and use my rage to incinerate it to ash. My arm was throbbing but I just shook it off by engulfing my arm in the same amount of flames, exposing my bones.

   "Cunningham, your recklessness and temperament need improvement. Pixiebob will be adding to your training." Aizawa's voice carried over as the next two monsters appeared in the rink and by the power invested in the god of rage, I just wanted to let loose and go ballistic but my screaming muscles and ragged breathes indicated that if I pushed myself into my rider form, I would not have any control of myself. I kept my head down and my footing light as both beasts came after me.

   "Mr. Aizawa, it's already the third day of camp. I was wondering if All Might- I mean, the other teachers will be joining us." Izuku's conversation caught my ears and I began to listen a little more intently.

   "Like I said before to keep the camp a secret from the villains, Hardly anyone knows we are here."

   "That's why you guys get to work out with us four pussycats!" Ragdoll"s shriek scared me to bits while mid punch landing on the wall behind them and getting sucker punched as a result.

God. I'm off my game. I'm so tired that this is getting ridiculous.

   "And think about it, We believe All Might is one of the league's targets so we can't have him here. It's for your own safety. For better or for worse, that's what he gets for standing so much." Aizawa lets out a huff as he finishes his conversation with Izuku but the little huff made me let out a chuckle but sadly it was heard by Aizawa.

   "Pixiebob, make it a three at once battle. If Cunningham has the energy to laugh she has enough stamina to take on three enemies at once."

   "Oh my-"

   "Meow meow meow. More importantly, tonight's gonna be fun!"

Pixiebob just saved my ass from more punishments.

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