Well that happened

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(I know the pairing for the fitness test wasn't accurate but at least I tried and got to update.)

        After I had told Inko everything. She was silent and I waited for her to be fearful and leave me alone and possibly turn me into the police if she had a chance. I even explained to her the legend of the ghost rider and how I was "raised" by the only ones know in my world. I answered any questions she had for me and answered them the best that I could. When we were finished, her response came to me as a major shock.

        "Well, you told the truth and kept your promise. I'm proud of you Eve-chan."

        "W-wait. You don't think of me as a horrible monster? Or just some overly pitied little girl?"

         "No, Eve-chan. Because that is not what you are." She turns to face me properly as she looks me dead in the eye as she continued.

        "I once met someone almost exactly like you. She had a mysterious past and almost no name for me to call her by, but she never hesitated to do the right thing . . . you telling me this proves you trust me and Izuku. I know you aren't a horrible person and although your methods of justice aren't ones I'm familiar with, you managed to protect Izuku and my life from any trouble for the two years I've known you. If I was to shun you now, I would be no better than a villain you face every day."

        That speech forever echoed in my head as I walked up to the gates of U.A. in my uniform but with my lips softly smiling. The last thing I remember about that night was telling Inko,

        "If Izuku ever asks about me. I don't want you to hesitate to tell him, but I only ask that you tell him when he needs to hear it. Is that okay?"

        "Of course, Eve-chan. I will keep your secret until he is ready to hear it."

Thank you, Lord, for your kindness.

         I was so lost in thought that I accidentally bumped into someone. It took me a little to register who it was but soon I snapped back to reality to realize it was my best friend.

        "Oh. Sorry, Izuku. Hey, you found Class Room 1-A. Nice work." I gave him my a thumbs up as he laughs a little awkwardly.

         "Y-yeah. Did you see the size of the door?" I look behind him and remark,

         "Wow, that's bigger than Katsuki's head on a humble day."

        "E-Eve-chan, come on. We must be serious." I raise an eyebrow to him as he continued.

        "The most elite from the exam are right past this door. W-we got to try and keep up with them." His fist clenched the straps of his backpack and I could sense he was nervous.

        "Hey don't worry. We are just like everyone else and no scary people will harm you since I'm here."

        "W-wait we're in the same class? And how did you know I was thinking that?" He asked with wide-eyes. I only laughed at his reaction.

        "Come on. Let's meet our classmates-"

         "Don't put your feet on the desk." The voice of the blue-haired guy from the exam interrupted my reassuring conversation with Izuku and I Immediately sighed in despair as I saw who he was talking to.

God. I know you work in mysterious ways, but why does Kastuki have to be here?

       I only sighed as I found an empty seat to avoid distracting the other students sitting around me. I set my stuff down at a desk near the window and watched as the two continued to bicker.

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