Camp Camp

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   Cicadas. Delightful, delightful Cicadas. . . I hate them. they're so loud and noisy, they almost distracted me too much from Aizawa's instructions.

   "Now that you've finished your semester up at U.A. high, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin . . . however, don't think that these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits, you're aiming to become plus ultra."

   Once the class gave him our formal agreement, everyone was a buzz about training camp. Ochaco being the ball of energized mochi she is, ran straight for Izuku and I -well mostly Izuku- as she got real close up and exclaimed,

   "I'm so psyched! I've been looking forward for this camp all semester Deku! Angel!"

   "Oh yeah!? It's certainly is close huh?" Izuku's red face and flustered hand gestures made me really curious on what exactly was going on inside his head, but when I tuned into his thoughts, I was just met with his flustered mindset on how close Ochaco was to his face as he tries to back away into my side.

   Looking over, Ochaco's confused face, met my golden orbs as I peeked inside her head once again to see her get flustered over the past. And no sooner did I smirk, a flash of Aoyama's face flashed through her mind before she goes off into a cheer about camp with Denki and Mna joining her.

   "Wow, Uraraka sure are exciting huh, Eve?" I met Izuku's innocent emerald eyes and never have I ever felt so frustrated about an obvious situation in my life.

   "Yes. Izuku. They are over the moon." It took a lot for me to just smile and say that in a ditzy tone just to mask how disappointed I was (A/N: We've all been there honey.)

   "I heard that some of class A is taking extra courses. Does that mean they actually failed the final exam!?" From the midst of my disappointment, another irritation besides Cicadas and dense friends arises and that irritation's name is Nieto Monona.

   "*gasp* that would be so embarrassing. Especially since your supposed to be so much better than my class. I bet all of you are wallowing in shame-" Right before his rant went too far, Kendo came to the rescue and knocked him unconscious.

Well, at least my day wasn't about to get colorful.


   Our bus ride was definitely a rowdy one but, for me, it was a time to catch up on some sleep and only having to socialize with Sero whenever he needs company, but that only lasted so long after an hour when the bus stopped.

   Everyone took it as an initiative to stretch and relax but not all was as it seemed,

   "You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Just as he said that a Bentley to our left I didn't notice before opened up to reveal some ladies in . . . cat, kpop, idol suits along with a small boy. They called themselves the wild wild pussycats.

Am I just forever underdressed when it comes to my hero costumes? Seriously, I'm going to the support department to complain or something.

   "They're a four-person hero team who specialize in mountain rescues!" As usual, Izuku excitement and extensive knowledge of heroes make him the voice of clarification and fanboyish moments. I decided to let him have his moment and get it out of his system.

   "The pussycats were founded when we were kids forever ago! This mark's there twelfth year working as a -mph"

Uh oh, Izuku. That's another no no.

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