Gone and Back Again.

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*Katsuki's POV*

   It's only been two days since being kidnapped by these bastards and things have not been any better for Korbyn. The first day we came, patches of fire flared up in odd places of her body and every time she would come to or at least be coherent enough to retaliate against them. A suspicious old man in a suit and tie would whisper something into her ear making her more agitated but eventually tire herself out like a drug. If that didn't work and she seemed to be getting uncontrollable, he would snap his fingers, and the chains holding her to the weird metal/concrete slab they chained her to would tighten; sometimes to the point, she looked as if she was choking.

   "I'll ask you one more time Katsuki Bakugou, aspiring hero. Will you join the league of villains?" I only smirked at that stupid ass question and responded,

   "Go throw yourself into traffic." My responses were usually the same. I always denied that piece of crap offer every time they presented it to me but, when it came to questioning Korbyn, the only thing she would say was that they were being used. Other times she said nothing and the only thing that kept everyone in check if she was alive or not from the strangling of the chains was the wheezing noise she made when she was allowed to breathe.

   They were all so annoying, gloating as the hours passed and how the media was giving more and more publicity for their piece of shit organization. One piece of footage from U.A. made their egos grow more when the crusty lipped one spoke for all his comrades.

   "Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism but everyone makes a mistake or two right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think Bakugou?" he shifts his attention to Korbyn as he continues.

   "And you Cunningham, just a girl who wants to punish the guilty and protect the innocent . . . but, I never heard of a hero that actually kills people. So tell me, how would anyone consider you a hero, if you're just as much as a monster as we are if not more?" Korbyn does not meet his eyes, she just continues to stare at the floor and breathe with a slight wheeze.

   "Once a real hero receives payment for saving people, they aren't a real hero anymore. That's what Stain's actions taught us." Some lizard looking mother fucker chimed in as Crusty Lips continued.

   "A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. And since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions; what is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon everyone will be asking. That's when we know we have truly won. And you like winning, don't you?" His words were complete garbage to me and only made my already pissed off expression become sharper.

   "Dabi, let him go."

   "You know he'll just fight." The guy with purple scars objected, putting a name to his fugly scarred up face.

   "It's fine. We are recruiting him so we should treat him as an equal. Besides he's smart enough to know he can't take us all right? Afterall, U.A. students are so clever."

   "What about the girl?" They all looked at Korbyn with analytical eyes but, one person spoke out who wasn't previously there before. The old guy in the suit made a scoff like noise, catching everyone's attention as his body manifested from the shadows.

   "I would recommend against it. How would you feel if someone released a hungry bear on your acquaintances?" When the old guy spoke, Korbyn's head shifted slightly only letting everyone see her eyes shadowed by her hair.

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