Code names Stained

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   Rainy days, the time where god waters the earth whether humans like it or not. I gotta say hallelujah cause that means no work for me, I just have to hope the rain last a little longer after classes. I was walking with Izuku from the station with our umbrellas until I sensed someone running behind us.

   "Midoriya! Cunningham!" That voice and running only meant one person,

   "Woah Iida, you really went all out with the rain gear." Izuku inquired and if he hadn't said anything earlier, I would have thought a giant Kermit the frog was gonna jump us.

   "Hey, Iida and please call me Eve." I said a little tired of re-explaining my nickname.

   "Why on earth are you both walking so slow? You'll be late." He said as he zoomed past us. Soon enough Izuku and I were chasing Iida until we made it to the entrance of the school and to our lockers.

   It was silent as we got ready for class, I looked to Izuku and saw he had a concerned look for Iida.

   "So Iida, um-"

   "If it's about my brother don't be concerned. I'm sorry if you both were worried, everything will be fine." Iida interrupted Izuku and looked to both of us with a smile. I let out a sigh and remarked,

   "Iida, have I ever told you about my power on a psychic level?"

   "What do you mean Cunningham?"

   "Eve and I mean that if anything is bothering you, please tell us. We are your friends and I might mistake the negative emotion as you lying to us."

   "Are you just messing with me again?" I was silent until I chuckled a little and remarked,

   "I guess we'll see." With that, we walked off to class, but I had a hunch that Izuku wasn't buying the "I'm over it" routine either.


   By the time we got to class, everyone was chatting away about how people noticed them on the streets and as celebrities. I have to admit I was avoiding too much public eye as possible but it was nice when a little girl came u and said she was rooting for me the whole time.

   "Eve, how's your popularity going?" Tsu caught my attention along with Mina and Eijiro.

   "Um . . . I really don't like to be the center of attention."

   "So you mean, you've been sneaking past crowds?"

   "Well, no one recognizes you when you're riding a bike really fast right?"

   "Hold on a minute . . . Eve, are you shy?" Sero asked smirking a little.

   "I guess you could say that. I honestly prefer to be surrounded by friends than random people. It's just a little out of my comfort zone." Sero seemed to get a kick out of me being shy around strangers and playfully through some banter my way as I threw some back at him.

   "Morning." the gruff voice of Aizawa took my attention away from my classmate and signaled the start of class. Tsu noticed that Aizawa's bandages had disappeared, but what concerned me was the scar under his eye. I guess every quirk has limits, even Recovery Girl's.

   "We have a big class today on hero informatics."

The fuck is that?

   Everyone as tense as a long and strained silence hung in the air until Aizawa said a magical phrase that completely changed the class's mood from tense to euphoric.

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