Is everything okay?

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   The first thing I noticed waking up was how cold I was. Everything felt like if I moved, I would have lost any amount of warmth I produced, The second thing was both the smell of antibiotics and something keeping my eyelids shut. I kept still as I heard a door open and the sound of voices being muffled out by the cloth wrapped around my head.

   "Oh, so the injured youngin's are awake."

   "Gran Torino!"

Izuku. . .

   "And Manual too."

and Iida. They both sound okay.

   "Idiot." The voice belonging to 'Gran Torino' said in a gruff and elderly voice, I could hear him walk in the direction of Izuku's voice as he continued on his rant.

   "I could yell at you for hours right now."

   "Yeah, I'm so-"

   "But before I do, you've got a visitor." Gran Torino cut Izuku off as I sensed a tall presence make its way through the door.

   "This is Hosu's Chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae."


   While I was busy mentally panicking, a rustle of beds and a gruff voice cut my mind short as I tried to slow my heartbeat.

   "No please stay seated. Woof."

Did he just say "woof"?

   "So your the U.A. students who brought down Hero Killer along with you sleeping friend over there. . . Stain has some serious injuries, severe burns, and several broken bones -not to mention some mental relapses- right now he is in the hospital under strict guard. Woof!

Oh my god . . . he did say woof.

   Here is a lesson you should have already learned; when quirks became the norm, the police teamed up to maintain the status quo. We decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in, they could do what they had to licensed of course. Woof. . . It would be impossible for the police to condone deadly quirks, After all, we're here to stop such harms from being done. The only reason that hero can use their quirks is because of the ethics early hero chose to abide by. That's why it is against the law for uncertified people to use their quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the hero killer or not, none of you have the authority to harm the villain."

Oh man. Then I'm either a murder or a felon.

   "That means the four of you and your supervisors; Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torino, and Recovery Girl should receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of your powers."

Wait I didn't mean for Recovery Girl to get bashed on. Gotta read the damn rule book to this dimension.

   "Now wait a minute." Uh oh. that's Shoto's voice and he sounds mad

   "If Iida had not stepped in, Native would have been murdered."

Native. The Pro?

   "And if not for Midoriya and Eve, both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the Hero Killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should have stood by and watched people die!?"

   "Todoroki calm down." Izuku tried to tame Shoto's building agitation and even in my state, I could tell Izuku was surprised to see Shoto in such an aggressive mood. The tension was heavy in the air and for once, it wasn't between me and some lowlife. Anything could have furthered the tension and it seemed as though the cop met the mood with the same intensity.

Young and a MenaceWhere stories live. Discover now