The Plan

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*Blaze's POV*

Gone . . . She was truly gone.

   Two months have gone by without any signs of Eve. Alejandra confirmed that south was clear of her presence while Danny confirmed that she was nowhere in Europe during his travels. Reyes and I looked everywhere but she was gone. Something wasn't right and I knew that she was in more danger if we couldn't get to her, she's only a kid.

   "So what now?" I perked up from my spot at the bar and met Reyes' mixed matched eyes. I sighed and said,

   "We wait and regroup."

  "So you mean sit here and do nothing?"

   "Do you have any ideas because if you do, by all means, go ahead." My tone was husk but it was all because Eve was very unpredictable and her control was still minimal. Everything was complete shit and now that Eve is gone, we could possibly seeing hell raise itself again if we're not careful and play this right. I was half-listening to Reyes' talk to his uncle until he tapped my shoulder his eyes looking at the floor in thought.

   "Blaze . . . there is one person that might help us, but there is a problem that might interfere if we don't do this correctly."

   "What are you saying, Kid?" He paused for a moment and shook his head like a bug was bothering him. He said a few mumbled responses to himself before he looked back into my eyes like he wanted me to do something.

   "We use Zarathos to track her-"


   "Then I can use my powers-"


   "To get to where she is-"

   "No! Kid, you don't understand what it's like coping with Zarathos. He's not human and will target her like a sinner -maybe even kill her- and besides last time I checked, you're not so pure of heart either."

   "Blaze, Do you have any ideas because if you do, by all means, go ahead." Touche on his part but I wasn't convinced. He stared daggers at me and began to breathe unevenly; all I did as a reaction was take a long slow swig of my 40.

   "Look. I know what this could mean and I know you want to find her just as bad as everyone else does -hell you act like she's your daughter- but we both know you can't travel through dimensions like I can."

   At that, I had to make eye contact with him and begin my stare down. It was true that he was skilled with traveling certain distances and I was faulty, but the fact that this dimension didn't hold her anymore could mean instantaneous death for her.

   "Here. the drinks are on me . . . I gotta get back to Gabe." Reyes left a ten on the table and walked out of the bar in a huff, but what was worse than a hangover is when a teenager is right and that ten bucks meant a long night for me. . . staring at my glass I thought for a while until I decided to pull out my phone and dial Alejandra and Danny.


*No one's POV*

Interesting . . . A loose cannon lost between dimensions? Lovely.

   The rule of The Riders is easy, find a sinner, purge sinner, and move on to the next. It gets tougher when their senses are all messed up when the sinners found a way to block said senses. This applied to a grungy looking guy to the side of the bar watching a wrestling match from two days ago with an equally as grungy woman on his lap. The grunge was just like a firewall to a mainframe when it came to this sinner and he had news for his employer.

   It was too bad when he sent this news to his boss and was rewarded with the fiery depths of hell that it was already known but hey, he got what he wanted when he was working as a consort in the land of the living, women and liquor.

   As for his employer, he decided to make things interesting and visit some fellow hero haters and give them a little "advice" through a note and some sacred chains, along with a picture of Eve in her rider form. All that was signed at the bottom of this helpful note was a name and that name read,


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