Practically Impractical

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   "Alright, that's it for class today. There is only one week left until your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right?" Aizawa's monotonous voice put a smile on my face. It wasn't because I actually studied forever just to have prepared for this moment, it was because Slade decided to close the fruit stand for a week to visit family and that week happened to fall into my lap. I just kept my head on the desk and my eyes closed as I listened to Aizawa continue.

   "The written exam is only one element. There is also the practical portion to worry about. Good Luck." With that last bit of advice and the chattering/yelling broke the quietness in the classroom.

   "I've Barely even taken notes this semester!" It was scary how both Mina and Denki were in the same boat, but if you don't put in the time then you fail. Everyone was a buzz out how their midterms seemed so easy and how with the internships plus the sports festival left some without very much free time. I guess my method of studying wasn't too bad but being fatigue a majority of time during the day can be considered "unhealthy".

   "WHAT!? You were ninth the midterms!?" I could only watch in amusement as Mina and Denki continued to rant about how Mineta was a traitor.

   "Aww man and here I thought you were one of us!" Mina pointed and accusatory finger while Denki chirped in instantly behind her.

   "Don't you know that weirdo little creeps are only likable if they are kind of stupid? Who's going to love you now?"

   "Everyone, trust me." I had to roll my eyes at that shit-eating grin Mineta was pulling. I noticed Izuku's figure walking towards Mina and Denki, along with Shoto and Iida.

Cue the glowing trio moment

   "Ashido, Kaminari. We've still got time to study. That way we get to go to the training camp together. Right?" Izuku exclaimed.

That's one glowing boy down

   "Yes. As class Rep., I have high hopes that we'll make U.A. proud." Iida declared with his robotic hand motions.

There's the second glowing child. Take it away, Shoto.

   "It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't it?" As if on cue each of them began to shine bright like a diamond . . . kill my self. Other than the obvious aura they were admitting, I got a kick out of Denki's defeated face. As much of an asshole thing as it sounds, it was still kinda funny. All prick jokes aside, Momo offered to help Denki, Mina, Kyoka, Sero, and Ojirio with their studies, effectively making Momo want to burst out of her socks with how excited she was to have a study date at her house. Everyone was preparing to partner up and study till sunrise, even Kastuki was willing to tutor Eijiro with some heavy tones of aggression.

   "Oh Eve, Will you join us this weekend at my residence?" Momo practically skipped over to me as she waited for my response.

   "Thanks but no thanks, Momo. I would just be an add on to your study group. Plus, I have my own weird methods of studying." She seemed a little down at first but immediately livened up when I said,

   "How about if I need some extra help, I'll call you and ask to come over."

   "Of course!"

At Least she's happy, but I can't help but feel she's getting too excited over nothing.


   After that, it was lunchtime, probably my favorite time of day next to snack time. Back on topic, we all sat and brainstormed on what exactly the practical would hold.

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