Izuku's match . . . it nearly killed me.

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   The cavalry battle was hectic, Izuku and his team were getting bashed by practically everyone and Shoto's team was being amazingly skillful with tactics and here I was stuck with Bakahoe and his wounded ego along with an irritating Neito Monoma.

   "Your Class is too small minded, think bigger." Neito is usually a piece of shit when it came to his ego but, this might be dangerous to clash with Katsuki's own over-inflated head. I look up and realize Katsuki's band was finessed. I took the opportunity to turn my own head band inside out and around my neck.

   "What did you say!? Get back here!" Katsuki was already pissed and I was getting a little worried when I noticed the not so mischievous glint in Neito's eyes.

   "Oh hey, Aside from the girl at the fruit stand, you both are kind of famous aren't you?"A raise my eyebrow and didn't like where this was going.

   "You both had an encounter with that sludge villain, more specifically one of you was attacked by it while the other was pathetic and didn't get the job done the first time. You both will have to tell me about it sometime. It must be strange being the victim and the pathetic hero duo."

   I felt Katsuki continuously get angrier and the rider was eating all this rage and pouring it into my already irritated mood making even more jittery and angry. Eijiro was trying to calm Katsuki while Mina was trying to give me words of comfort but I guess Katsuki's temper was enough to flicker a spark on the ends of my hair.

   "Korbyn carry us towards them!"

   "On it." With a sweep of my arm and my supernatural powers, everyone was somehow balanced on my shoulders while I sprinted over to them. Katsuki reared his arm back and take a shot at Neito, only for him to dodge it and give the exact blow in Katsuki's face. I noticed that he quickly touched Eijiro hair as we tried to recover and let everyone touch the ground again. When we all went in for a second round, Katsuki dealt another explosion only for Neito to harden his body and take on the attack full force.

   "What he has my Quirk!?"

   "Relax Eijiro, It's his quirk. He can copy our powers if we are not careful" I tried to explain only to choke a little seeing how much time we had.

   "Nice Job. Even a coward could figure it out." I could feel my grip tighten on Katsuki's foot as I felt myself getting angrier with every word coming out of his mouth and I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to belittle us and make us the bad guy while banking on points to look good.

   We were about to go in for a third blow but only for some kind of kurigue head dude to basically vomit goo in front of us. The two teams made a get away from us leaving Katsuki very pissed and me subconsciously writing names in a mental notebook of people that might die. They were getting away and I knew that my points won't amount to anything if this keeps up. We had an almost a minute left and Neito was making this harder than this needs to be.

   "No hard feelings right?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and gain or attention."After all, you were the ones to provoke us. What was it that you said in your speeches again?" I was too zoned out to even pay attention to him, I was only brought back to reality when Kirishima said it was go time and they needed me to get Katsuki back. I had no idea what that meant until we all went after Neito again and Katsuki essentially launched himself at the team and ripped off the headbands, effectively putting us in third place, but not before breaking through solid air. I had to literally retract him like a dog leash. I tire the already charred bits of pant fabric from my uniform effectively making shorts. With a quick knot, I focused my powers through the scraps of material and extend it enough to make a lasso and catch Katsuki's foot and bring him back to our shoulders.

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