A Bitter Sweet loss

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   The air wasn't silent, it was holding cheers, murmurs, and silent judgment. I could feel that everyone's anticipations were on the edge of the moon with how everyone thinks this battle would turn out. I watched as the two of them locked eyes and ready their fighting positions and at Mic's word, all hell would break loose.

   At the word begin, Shoto only had to stomp as his ice traveled to Izuku with fierce intentions and Izuku was already in position to flick his fingers and counter Shoto's Ice. Izuku manages to break the ice twice at his will and the fight seemed to be going nowhere from that but if you were to look closely at the fight, Shoto was slowly wearing down Izuku by each of his fingers. If Shoto could wear down Izuku's fingers by this ice attack, then Izuku had to think of a plan and quickly.

   My stomach was practically doing flips on how the fight was panning out and I knew exactly how Izuku's pain was driving him insane. Hell, when we first met I was stabbed multiple times.

   "Oh no! Crap, I'm missing it!" I turned to see a familiar rock boy enter the seats.

   "Hey, nice job making it to the second round Kiriashima." Denki stated

   "Yeah congrats, I might get to fight against you." I winked in his direction before I turned to Sero and said,

   "Hey sorry Sero, I didn't know I had that much G-force behind my attack."

   "Ah, no worries Eve." I hold up my fist to give a good fist bump and thankfully he took it.

   "You might be right Eve, but hey, I might take on Bakugou next."

   "I'll kill you." I let out a small giggle at Eijiro and Kastuki's interaction before a more serious topic came up thanks to Eijiro.

   "But Seriously, It's crazy how you and Todoroki have moves that blast the whole stadium and Eve could just T.K.O. a person with a flick of her wrist. Must be pretty nice."

   "Plus it doesn't seem either of you have to pause between attacks." Sero chirped in. I was about to say something to lighten the mood, but Kastuki beat me to the punch.

   "It's not as easy as you think, ya morons. If you overuse your muscles, you risk tearing them apart. If you sprint too much, you run out of breath. . . Quirks are physical abilities too, they can get worn out. You can't just use them nonstop."

I beg to differ, but I can't call my power a quirk now can I?

   He did have a point though, If this was how Izuku thinks he is gonna win the match then he is going to die trying. Right as the thought crossed my mind, the match began to get heated . . . badum tssss. Shoto finally was getting closer to Izuku by using his ice to snag him. It worked for a brief moment until Izuku used his entire are t break free and Shoto was still standing.

Oh no.

   Then something extreme happens, Izuku has broken all his fingers but that didn't stop him from rebreaking them. Shoto immediately came after Izuku but he made a fatal mistake when he got to close. Shoto's feet were not touching the ground allowing Izuku to land a solid punch to Shoto's abdomen. I grit my teeth as I could feel Izuku's dulled pain from that attack and seeing how much blood was on the ground and the off purple on his fingers, the pain was definitely justified.

   I knew what he was doing, even in his staggered and injured state, he was trying to fight to the best of his abilities and win the match. Its admirable but stupid and I knew at this rate he could have permanent damage to his hands.

   They began shouting and for some reason, I could feel the hurt and loss thicken in the air, like reliving a tragedy all over again. My eyes dilated as I knew who it was coming from and the Rider began to fuel itself a little bit from these emotions. I closed my eyes to steady my heart beat and when I opened them again, I was met with flames.

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