Fuzzy Memories

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~"In life, good and evil are seen as black and white aspects. Just like how we see right and wrong. . . But, Justice is a grey area that touches both sides. It's up to us to decide the dark or light."~

        I remember sitting with a couple of newly found . . .acquaintances of mine at a small diner called 'Ruby's', after I got myself into a spot of trouble. Three guys and one woman; I knew them well. Johnny Blaze was like the senior of the group, Danny Ketch was the old school uncle, Alejandra Jones played mom at times but was mostly the big sister, Robey Reyes was the angry big brother I never had -and still don't want. Then there was me, Korbyn Eveangeline Cunningham; I told them to call me "Eve" or "Eevee". I was the newest addition to their ragtag team of hell raging hatred for sinners.

       When we first met, they all stared at me with sadness and virtually anguish in how I was added to their club but none of them spoke until Johnny cleared his throat,

        "Eve, why did you summon it?" I looked up to him with tired eyes and said, "I told you, I didn't summon him. He chose me." "Him?" Alejandra spoke and continued with a softer, husky voice, "Does he have a name?" "He tells me to call him Mal. . . Short for Malaky." I only shrug as I finish my response. Reyes is visibly suspicious and irritated as he asks, "Why did he choose you?. . . Also, stop oogling the burger and eat it already." Alejandra was about to say something until my eyes widen, sparking with life as I look to each of them and say, "can I really eat it?" they all look to me bewildered, even Reyes tilted his head in confusion until he said, ". . . Yeah."

         I immediately take the offer and take the biggest bite I can muster, without choking as I eat with gratitude. "Eve have you not had a burger before?" Danny finally spoke with silent curiosity. I shook my head and said between mouthfuls, "I had half of one before. Dad used to make me wait till he got home from his business trips, even then he would make me sit at the table and wait till he says when I could eat; even if he finished eating he'd make me wait." Johnny gave a look to Alejandra before he asked, "How long has it been since you've eaten?" I only shrugged as I finished the burger.

        "Wait. Wait. Wait." Reyes caught everyone's attention as he looked to me with a hint of concern in his eyes, "How long would he disappear for?"

"That depends."

        "On what?"

"If he left with a lady or if his friends invited him for drinks." I could tell Alejandra was getting pissed by the situation so I quickly added, "But that gave me more time to be with the horses a-and I learned a lot from books." Her shoulders relaxed physically but both Johnny and I caught the anger that lingered in her eyes. "Eve do you have any family to stay with?"

        "No. I'm okay on my own, I'm always alone anyways." Silence came over our booth for a little bit until Reyes put his head hands and muttered a "Jesus" under his breath. I looked down to my food again and finished the fries silently while the three of them begin to question me again. Johnny was the first to get his question out. "Can you control it?" I furrowed my brows as I thought about the question. "Not like you can, no. Mal gets hungry. . . A lot." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat a little as I took out my wallet until I was interrupted by Reyes, "News flash kid we all get hungry and some of us have shitty parents as well." I look up to him with a deadpan look as I feel my temper rise a tick. I could feel Mal's power surge into my amber eyes as I look to the irritating, heterochromic sitting diagonally from me. I spoke with a venomous tone. "So was your brother when you left him alone . . . As far as the adoption papers go you are his parent." his eyes widen in slight shock but it is replaced with a glare.

        I shuffle out of my side of the booth and stand as I begin to fiddle with my wallet again. "Eve-" I interrupt Johnny by slamming the money onto the table causing a few heads to turn but I didn't care "Thank you for the meal. I'll see my hungry and orphaned self out now." I quickly walked away ignoring the fact that they followed me out a good few yards away. I let out a sharp whistle and soon a mare from my ranch came galloping towards me. I heard muffled shouts and I knew it was Mal's doing; I was getting pissed and I knew that meant trouble not just for me but, for any unclean souls around me. I quickly mounted my mare and rode off.

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