I am here an announcement

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Hello everyone, I know I have been gone for years now and in the typical Wattpad fashion, I've been having a bunch of life changing and traumatic experiences one after the other and couldn't bring myself to write.
I've been behind on the story for so many seasons that I think it's best for me to instead of playing catch up, I should do a rewrite. I'm gonna leave this fic here for those who find comfort in this fic as it is my largest and most viewed work.
I will update everyone on the rewrite Title and where to find it if you care to read that story as well. And don't be afraid to leave ideas for the rewrite and ask questions I will try my best to answer. I love hearing from you all.
All this being said. I am still busy in life and the fiction won't pop up as soon as tomorrow but I will make progress slowly but surely, thank you.

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