Are You Listening? (Oboro)

Start from the beginning


"(Y/N)-chan, serve this to table 5."

(Y/N) snapped out of her thoughts and gently placed the food on her tray and made her way to the table. 'Stop it, (Y/N). Don't...think of him again.' She shook her head lowly as she sighs deeply.

"But...even if I don't think of him, my heart will..." (Y/N) placed her hand on her chest and frowned slightly. "Oboro..Why must this happen to us?"

"(Y/N)-chan, another order!!"

(Y/N) looked ahead and started walking back to fetch the other order.

"This...isn't the life I wanted to live, Oboro."


"Sensei....—sensei, where is Oboro? Why isn't he here with us? He should be with us!!" (Y/N) tugged on Shoyo's kimono. Shoyo looked down with a frown, tears gathering in his eyes. Shoyo let out a shaky sigh, as he crouched down to (Y/N)'s height.

He forced a smile on his lips as he gently stroked her head. "Oboro....He did something very brave to let us live." Shoyo says, as (Y/N)'s sobs started getting louder.

"Shall we....visit him?" Shoyo asked her and she eagerly nodded, desperate to see Oboro.

"No....This isn't happening." (Y/N) fell to her knees in front of the fallen rocks tumbling one after one at what seemed to be a broken cliff. A body lay under the pile of rocks and even though the hand was the only thing left out, she knew who it belonged to.

"Oboro....We promised," She sobbed, her tears pouring continuously from her eyes. "You promised to be with me!!" She yells, Shoyo hang his head low at sighed.

"No, I won't accept this! Oboro!! Are you listening?! You have to come back! You promised me!" She yells, as she banged her small fists on the ground.

"You promised you'd always be with me! You're not a liar, Oboro! LISTEN TO ME!! I-I know you're listening.....Please," She whimpered, her sight started getting blurry. "Come on, (Y/N)." Shouyo gently grabbed her arm and helped her stand up.

"No....Sensei, Oboro promised me! H-He wouldn't....he wouldn't just go and break his promise so easily like that!!"

"I know...I'm sorry," Shouyo says as he hugged her, "I'm sorry for what happened. It's all my fault."

"Oboro!!! Are you listening?! You— You still have to keep your promise to me!!"


"(Y/N)-chan, good work today!!"

(Y/N) silently walked out of the small cafe she worked at. It was late at night, so her shift was done. But she didn't feel like going home right now, she went to the park and sat at the bench instead.

The night sky was filled with glittering stars so bright and shiny. (Y/N) threw her head back to lean against the bench and she sighed.

"....What am I doing with my life?" She muttered lowly to herself. Since it was already night, there weren't that many people around. She closed her eyes and heaved another sigh.

Then, she felt someone take a seat beside her. Her eyes widened, but she didn't turn her neck to see that face she'd been longing to see. Just his presence— was enough for her. So long as he was listening to her, that was enough.

"Ah, honestly." She let out a groan, closing her eyes shut again as she let her body relax. "Men are troublesome creatures. They act so brave and try to do things that they think is right."

"They don't even consider how others would feel when they decide to do something all by themselves. How selfish. But, breaking a promise is something even more selfish. Men can never really keep their promises." (Y/N) clicked her tongue.

"Hey, Are you listening, stranger-san? Don't you agree? You should learn a thing or two, or else no woman would ever love you." She huffed, "Yeah...I'm listening, must be tough for you, huh?" It was his voice.

"But, I think men keep their promises. They do it, for the people they love, to protect them." Oboro stood up and stared at her lovingly. "Also, I don't need other women's love. I just need one woman's love." He chuckled lowly.

"I kept my promise. I'll keep listening as long as you want. But, I'm keeping my promise— the promise to let you live a peaceful life." Oboro placed his hand on her hair to gently ruffle it. A small smile appearing on his lips.

"So....Forgive me someday for doing what I did, (Y/N). It was all to keep you safe." He kissed her forehead and then he turned his back on her. "....I love you."

When he disappeared, (Y/N) brought her arm up to cover her eyes, covering up the tears she was unconsciously letting out. "You didn't listen, idiot." She softly croaked out.

"I told you I'd be happy if you were by my side. How long will it take for you to finally listen to me, Stupid Oboro. The promise was for you to always be with me, Idiot." She sobbed lowly.

"Are you listening? You didn't even hear me say I love you too, idiot....."

Hehe, Bisha-chan's back at it again with her usual "bad-written-stories". I'm so sorry SakatsugiEnma was my imagination good?? I dunno if this is good or not. Hope u like it? Honestly, all I can think of for Oboro is sad stories. Im so sorry!

And uhm, don't worry. Bisha-chan is working hard on all the current requests. Haha!! ♥️ Itz cuz Bisha-chan only publishes one per day 😭 please vote for the character so I can do the Popularity Poll Story Arc on the 200th chapter!!

So uhm for the 200th chapter voting as i said they will be posted on EVERY CHAPTER!!
If some of you didn't understand— I need these votes to make the story for the 200th chapter which will be about these guys fighting like in the Popularity Poll Arc in the Anime! ♥️♥️♥️


And help Bisha-chan's man (Gintoki) become #1 too!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

These are the characters you can vote on:

Takasugi Shinsuke

Sakata Gintoki

Katsura Kotaro

Sakamoto Tatsuma

Hijikata Toshiro

Okita Sougo




Yoshida Shoyo/Utsuro (?)

Toujo Ayumu

Kondo Isao

Kawakami Bansai

Saito Shimaru

Shimura Shinpachi

Yamazaki Sagaru

Sakata Kintoki (?)

Hattori Zenzou

Requests still open! ♥️♥️♥️

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