Chapter 49: The Machinations of Heaven

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March-ish 2009, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Couple of days later...


Bobby was on edge. He'd just talked to Maya a couple of days earlier, updating him on the haunting her and John were working on. They'd planned to go to the property that night to deal with a haunted tree trying to lynch people.

She said she would call him when the case was over...

That was a couple of days ago though...and nothing.

He tried calling her cell over and over, but no answer.

Did something happen on the hunt?

As much as the thought twisted his gut, a different thought made the old Hunter's blood run cold.

John Winchester knew. He knew she wasn't completely human.

Grabbing the receiver off the wall Bobby angrily dialed John's new cell number the bastard gave him.

The son of a bitch answered completely calmly, "Hey Bobby."

"What happened to her Winchester?" Bobby demanded without preamble. "Where the hell are you two and why haven't ya reached my place yet?"

There was a long pause.

"'Cause you're too close to it, Bobby," John sighed heavily, almost patronizingly. "You can't see that it's got some spell on you and the boys."

Bobby scowled deeply in anger and disbelief at the phone in his hand.

"Are ya mad, Winchester? The boys and I aren't under no spell," Bobby barked out, his heart beat steadily getting faster.

"It's a Trickster spawn, Bobby," John sighed again, but with more condescension dripping from his voice. "None of you would've realized—"

"DAMMIT, WINCHESTER! WHAT DID YA DO TO HER?!" Bobby roared into the phone, the plastic straining against his raging grip.

"If you gotta know, it's still alive," Bobby could practically hear the bastard roll his eyes. "Since it's not using witchcraft it must be using its Trickster magic. But I don't know if it'll fade or break if I just kill it."

Bobby felt his rage turn from raging inferno to cold and murderous, "John Winchester, you kill her, and I'll hunt ya down to the ends of the earth. The boys' arguments be damned! And you'll wish it'd been me that found ya, 'cause if I let slip to her Trickster'll be beggin' for my mercy."

"Calm down, Bobby. Once I figure out how to break the magic hold it has on you, you'll be thanking—"

"Bullshit, Winchester! Give me back my daughter!" Bobby growled heatedly interrupting the SOB, feeling his throat tighten in emotion, in fear for his surrogate daughter.

Bobby heard John freaking Winchester sigh resignedly over the receiver before the dial tone met his ears. Bobby cursed and threw the wired wall phone receiver ending in a very ominous crack, not that he noticed as he was also busy throwing ancient texts off his kitchen table to the floor.

After a few minutes heaving some angry breaths thinking about whatever he was going to do next, Bobby made a call.

Or several.

Loki—or whoever he was—was going to have his head when he finds out he didn't get in touch with him or letting him in the loop. Bobby wasn't sure if the angels would let the Trickster—or whatever he was—to come to his child's rescue...or kill Maya just to spite him.

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