Chapter 14: Tall Tales-Part 3

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Next day...

Maya had gone to Crawford's library after a couple of lectures that morning to do some reading. Puck loyally followed her wherever she went, in his little medical assistant vest that her Dad snapped up so he could be allowed into buildings with her. She was also pretty sure her Dad did something to his intelligence, and after a slight glucose deficiency incident yesterday...well she was pretty sure Puck could now tell when her blood-sugar got too low. Why? Because that's what he put on Puck's vest.

I am a medical assistant dog to make sure my human doesn't go into insulin shock from low-blood sugar. I am always working please don't disturb me and let me follow my human wherever they go.

Maya petted Puck behind his ears and scratched his neck. This resulted in Puck looking absolutely blissed out, which caused Maya to smile a little bit. Oh yeah she was definitely attached to her little canine shadow. He also lived up to his name. Puck enjoyed grabbing something of hers, or her Dad's, and run away with it or hide it under the couch or one of their beds. He never chewed anything that wasn't his or made messes. Puck knew if he wanted to play he just had to grab one of his toys and bring it to her; or when he wanted to go outside he'd grab his leash. He was really well behaved. Yeah she was sure her Dad did something to his intelligence.

Maya looked back at her book that held a collection of Shakespeare's works and closed it. She'd already been here most of the day and it was going to get dark soon, and her Dad wouldn't get off for a bit. He told her to stay at the campus for a few extra hours. Apparently, Sam and Dean had figured out that Dad was a Trickster and Sam had gone back to their place to find some evidence. That was sometime before noon this morning, so the Hunter was probably gone by now.

"C'mon Puck, let's go back to the apartment." Maya stood up and grabbed the book to put it back on the shelf. Puck faithfully following her as they both left the library and started making their way back to the apartment building. She grabbed a bus to shorten the walk. The apartment building was one of the older brick apartment buildings that weren't all that big or all that tall, maybe five stories maximum with a laundry basement. Each apartment was also accompanied with some questionable fire escapes. Maya and Puck entered the building and began making their way up to the fourth floor where their apartment was. Neither noticed the Sasquatch of a man leave a 1967 black impala from across the road and enter the building behind them.

Leaving the staircase Maya gets to the apartment door and paused. She looked back at the staircase doors furrowing her eyebrows, she thought that she heard something. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing up; even Puck was tense as he let out a low growl at the staircase. With her heart pounding she took out her key to the apartment and shakily put it into the lock.

"Puck," she whispered looking down at the Jack Russell. Puck turned his attention from the staircase to Maya. "Get ready." Puck gave a quiet whoof and Maya took a breath and turned the deadbolt in the lock. She didn't see as much as heard the heavy footsteps run towards her as she turned the handle and pushed the door. Puck was already in and Maya followed quickly behind and turned around to push the door closed. She almost made it.

Just before the door closed completely a heavy weight shoved into it from the outside. It jarred Maya enough to push her back enough to allow the guy to push himself into the opening, keeping her from closing it. She stepped back from the door to gain distance between her and the intruder.

"Sam?!" Maya looked up at the giant of a man incredulously. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she demanded angrily. Puck took a protective stance between her and Sam, looking as fearsome as he could for such a small dog. Sam's eyes glanced down at the little dog baring its equally small teeth at him, before closing the door behind him. Maya shifted nervously on her feet.

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