Chapter 25: Stay Out of My Head!

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March-ish 2008, Rockford, Illinois, United States

It was early in the morning, a day or so after Appleton, and Sam was the first one to wake up in the motel room. Sitting up he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a yawn and a stretch as he looked over at the other bed. Dean, for all his complaints about his snoring, was breathing loudly in his sleep, not quite snoring but close enough. That wasn't what had Sam suppressing an amused chuckle though.

Dean was sleeping on his side, back to him as he faced the door, and curled up against his brother's back was Maya. In her sleep she went from sleeping on her stomach, to sleeping on her side and snuggling into Dean's back, her arms stuck between them and her face pressed against Dean's shoulder blade.

Sam smirked as he looked for his phone. There was no way he wasn't getting a picture of this.

Puck, hearing the movement, woke up and perked his head up looking around from his spot on the bed. Seeing it was just the larger of the two males his mistress was travelling with he laid his head back down and let out a sigh. However, he made sure his keen eyes kept track of the male's movements. It might have been around a year since Springfield, Ohio, but Puck still hasn't let it go.

Tossing his phone on his bed, after getting the picture, Sam went to the washroom to grab a quick shower and get ready for the day.

Dean groggily woke up to the sound of water running from the bathroom and...a warm weight pressed against his back? A little confused Dean shifted to look over his shoulder to find Maya pressed up against him. He couldn't see her face but he could feel the warmth of her breath puffing steadily against him. Dean gave a soft huff of breath before pulling away and putting some distance between them.

He settled down again to catch a few more winks when his ears picked up a soft, tired groan of annoyance from behind him. Then the warm weight against his back returned with an added arm draped over him. He felt Maya nuzzle into his back muscles with her face before letting out a sigh and settling down again.

Dean frowned in irritation as he shrugged Maya's arm off only to have it return and hold on to him tightly with an accompanied groan of muffled protest.

"Goldy," Dean called behind him, "you awake?"

He received another muffled groan and a groggy, "No."

Dean gave a disbelieving snort, "Well, awake or not, I ain't your Teddy bear. So quit cuddling me."

"But you're so comfy..." Maya whined a little playfully, as she held onto him a little tighter. He really was comfortable and Maya didn't want to get up yet. She gave a whiney groan when Dean tried to pull away from her some more. So, she did the only logical thing that came to her sleep-addled mind.

"What the-?!" Dean yelped as he felt a weight push him over onto his stomach and settle on his back. He looked over his shoulder to see a mop of messy dark and curly brown hair. "Do I need to explain the concept of personal space to you?!" Dean demanded.

Maya gave a yawn before answering cheekily and with fake innocence, "What's this personal space you speak of? Never heard of such a thing."

Dean could feel the smile from the cheek pressed against his upper back. "Off," Dean ordered gruffly to no success. He just felt Maya's body give a quick shake from a dismissive huff and a quick nuzzle before fully resting on his back. He could tell she wasn't completely sleeping, but was still pretty relaxed.

Dean gave a put-upon sigh as he decided just to ignore the weight of the teen resting on his back. Not like he hasn't been an involuntary body pillow before when Sam was littler than him. Though if the giant tried what Maya did now, he'd probably put up more of a fight. Like hell he was going to let his little brother pancake him with his weight.

A Trickster's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें