Chapter 33: The Final Countdown

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Shout out to (takes deeps breath!):

QueenofHearts1228, x_Abi_x, akada_kitten, zuhailacadey, user01479088, ZacBrown1994, jodiejazz123, Bailieeymaddisin, WolfGirlPower123, and impala642 for all your votes, comments, and adding this story to your reading lists!

Always good to see that all the work you put into something not only for your own enjoyment but others as well is appreciated!

Now brace yourselves for this behemoth!


Early April-ish 2008, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States


"Hey Jackson!" Bobby called out as he exited the house upon hearing the rumble of the flat bed pulling in. Maya and Puck followed behind him, watching as the flat bed came to a stop outside his workshop across the yard.

"Singer!" the middle aged male driver returned in greeting. "What ya got for me today?" he hopped out of the cabin and met Bobby in the middle.

"Bunch a useless junkers takin' up space in my yard," Bobby said nodding off in some direction.

"Well I'm gonna need a bigger truck if you want to get rid of all your junkers," he said chuckling.

Bobby snorted good-naturedly. "Oi! I just need you to get rid of the crushed stuff. Everything else is still salvageable, so paws off!" he grouched, no real heat in his voice. Jackson just chuckled in amusement, used to Bobby's brand of threatening humor and pack rat tendencies.

Jackson's eyes moved from the old mechanic to the teenage girl and her dog beside him. His brows furrowed in confusion at the sense of familiarity he felt. The girl smirked at him smugly.

"Hey Jackson. Did the boys get a kick out of your...choice in perfume fragrance?" Maya's smirk deepened as she rubbed a spot a couple inches below her collarbone. The man's eyes widened in recognition.

"Maya! As I live and breathe! You grew up. You still prankin'?" he laughed. "'Cause it took weeks for that flowery shit you dumped in my cab to clear out! I still get called Hippy or Princess at least twice a week!"

"Yeah, well, you ate my candy," Maya shrugged smiling as she crouched a little to pet Puck behind his ears, much to the little dog's enjoyment.

Jackson raised his hands in non-offense, "Now, to be fair...I thought it was Bobby's."

Bobby grimaced and whacked the man up side the head with his hat, "So if it's mine it's okay then? Idjit!" Bobby re-adjusted his hat as Jackson took a couple steps away from him, not at all offended by Bobby's 'attack'. "Now if you two are done gossipin' like a couple of old biddies I suggest we get to work," Bobby watched Jackson head to one of his forklifts before looking over at Maya and her rubbing the one spot above her left breast under her collar bone. "Quite rubbin'. You'll aggravate it," Bobby scolded batting her hand away.

Maya pouted as she was forced to stop. It hadn't been 24hrs yet since getting the tattoo. It still ached a little as the skin stretched when moving her left arm, but it wasn't bad. It was just odd feeling something off there. Getting it had also been a little more painful than expected.

Bobby, the saint, let her squeeze his hand during the whole ordeal and didn't comment on her pained whimpers. It helped that they went out for some soft-served ice cream after.

They all spent the better part of an hour or so loading up crushed cars. Maya, being the most inexperienced, played spotter when it came time to start moving and stacking the junk heaps onto the flatbed. Puck puttered around out of the way, keeping an eye on her and keeping a lax lookout.

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