Chapter 30: Stubbornness A Family Trait

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March 20 2008, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States


Bobby glared at the cell phone in his hand after hanging up on his newest and latest headaches.

Maya, a little half-Trickster was travelling and learning to hunt monsters from Sam and Dean Winchester. And had already gone on a couple of hunts. One of which she almost had her soul eaten.

He wanted to reach through the phone and smack her in the head for breaking her promise about not taking up hunting. Then throttle Sam and Dean for taking her hunting when they probably knew damn well she wasn't supposed to be.

Bobby had had an inkling that one day she'd no longer take no for an answer when it came to going after supernatural monsters. He'd hoped she'd be older and more practiced in her Trickster abilities and magic, and then if she was still serious about it he'd consider taking her on some salt n' burns.

Maybe. Well, probably not. Point was she was too young to be doing Hunter crap like this.

He was also worried about that inner light she had about her. It wasn't long after meeting her that he noticed something. Bobby didn't understand what it was, but when she was around it was like the world didn't seem so dark. That breath of fresh air after being stuck in a dark stagnant crypt and the door finally opened.

That first ray of light over the horizon, before the sun, that would chase away what seemed like an eternal night.

The Hunting life was rough; it was painful and filled with blood, loss, and copious amounts of alcohol. It darkened people. Even twisted some. Bobby didn't want whatever light, or innocence, Maya had to be snuffed out from her trying to be a Hunter. Either from all the times she would fail to save someone, or from getting herself killed by a monster...or from a close-minded Hunter that found out what she was. Bobby doubted that most of the Hunting community would be all that supportive of a half-Trickster Hunter.

Of course what he wanted didn't amount to much when dealing with a baby Trickster with a strong sense of morals and with a stubborn streak strong enough to rival an ornery mule's.

Then there was Sam and Dean who thought—actually thought—that taking her on hunts was a good idea. Damned fools were what they were. Even if their teaching's saved her life when they ran into a pair of Crocotta. He was still half a mind that she wouldn't have had to learn it if she didn't hang around the idjit duo that actively hunted things.

Even if he was slightly grateful for his boys for taking his girl under their wing and looking out for her. Notwithstanding the massive headache it was causing him.

Yet despite all his misgivings over this development, and from what he could garner from the phone call, it seemed all three of them got along all right. Hell, it almost seemed like they started to, or already had on some level...huh.

Bobby heaved a heavy sigh as he stuffed the cellphone into the back pocket of his jeans as he headed back outside. The only reason he wasn't rushing over to Peoria right away was because he had a couple of cars to finish repairing. So he'd deal with that notion later. He wasn't opposed to the idea in the slightest. If anything Maya would be good for the boys. It was just the boys dragging her along into their little escapades that worried him.

Oh, who was he kidding? Maya probably happily skipped along side them into whatever shit they had lined up. No dragging required.

Bobby ducked under the hood of a Chevy he was working on earlier before his unexpectedly stressful break. Before concentrating his entire energy on fixing up the car, he had one final thought on Sam, Dean, and Maya.

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