Chapter 15: Balls

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April-ish 2007, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Gabriel watched as Maya packed her bag to go to Bobby's. He still really wanted his name to be Hunter, because, c'mon, Hunter the Hunter? Ha.

"Sure you want to go to Bobby's, Push Pop?" Gabriel was worried that Maya would run into the Hardy Boys they met in Springfield, Ohio. Maya had told him details of what happened that night and he was proud of his clever little Trickster giving seasoned Hunters the run around, but still concerned. The fact that Sam had overpowered her was worrying, because if she can't fight off one Hunter, what will happen if she ran into another one--or more than one--that wouldn't hesitate to take that shot at her? The only thing keeping from forbidding her from going was that he trusted Bobby enough to keep her safe, even from other Hunters.

"Dad I'll be fine. I'll have Bobby looking after me." Bark! "And Puck." Maya added with a smile and an eye roll, pausing to pet the pleased brown and white Jack Russell terrier.

"What if those brothers show up? Do you really think they won't try and kill you? Bobby or not?" Maya paused as she stared at Puck, before a gentle smile crossed her features. She turned to look straight in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She continued packing. "I hate to say it, but Sam was holding back. He could have easily killed me and made it look like an accident, but he didn't. He tried to talk me down, even when I had a knife pointed at him." Maya looked at her Dad's concerned eyes. "I believed him when he said that him and Dean didn't want to kill me."

Gabriel walked over behind his daughter and drew her into his arms, hugging her close. Maya leaned back into his chest and laid her head on his shoulder, her hands holding onto his clasped ones.

Gabriel squeezed his arms. "I'll trust your judgment Maya, but you got to do something for me if you run into those two again." Maya turned her head to look at his face curiously. "You need to take a peak at their souls."

"Dad..." she sighed rolling her eyes in annoyance, looking away from him. He knew how she felt about using that ability.

"I know it scares you, and it doesn't show everything a person might do, or be capable of, but it'll give you a better idea of who they are." Gabriel reasoned as he turned her around to stare into her eyes. "I just worry about you because you're my baby, and I want you to be safe." He smiled, bringing her in for another hug and kissing the side of her head. Maya hugged him back and nuzzled into him. "Promise me, if you don't feel safe you call me, okay?" he murmured into her hair.

"Alright, I promise." Maya promised with her voice muffled by his shirt. "I love you Dad."

"Love you too, Gummi-worm." Gabriel tightened his arms around his only child. He hoped he wouldn't regret this visit with Bobby.


April 15 2007, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Bobby leaned up against his blue 1968 Ford F-360 across from the bus stop in town, waiting for a certain half-Trickster to make her appearance. The grey hound bus pulled up and its passengers began disembarking. In a few minutes a familiar teenager appeared around the bus looking around, with a little Jack Russell on her heels. Bobby lets loose a whistle and waved a hand to get her attention.

Maya saw Bobby across the road and gave a wide smile and her own little wave. Looking both ways Maya and Puck quickly crossed the road.

"Bobby!" Maya ran up to him excitedly to give him a hug.

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