Chapter 6: Bitch!

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March 20 1991 8:02am

Gabriel gave a tired sigh of relief as his body expelled the last of the placenta from his womb. With a snap of his fingers his pagan magic disposed of it and all the other waste fluids. Any and all evidence that he had given birth disappeared as well, leaving the room just as clean as before Maya's birth.

'Maya...' Gabriel looked over to where Joshua was standing with his baby, humming a biblically old tune and gently rocking her side to side.

Joshua, looking up from the content infant, catches Gabriel's eyes and smiles amusedly as he makes grabby-hands for Maya with a bright smile on his face. Chuckling, Joshua moved to Gabriel's side and reluctantly handed Maya over to her Father/Mother. Her eyes open briefly at the feeling of being moved, but quickly close again as she settles/snuggles into Gabriel's arms.

Gabriel stared contently at his drowsy daughter as he leans back comfortably against the plethora of pillows stacked against his headboard. His eyes become heavy as he lets out a tired yawn, one mimicked cutely by a sleepy, swaddled Maya.

"I believe that it is time that I left," Joshua whispered softly to Gabriel. "Is there anything else you needed Brother?" He carefully sent out his grace to check over Gabriel's body, as his grace was still weak.

"Mmmmnnnoooo, ~yawn~, we're good." Gabriel mumbles tiredly, shaking his head as he snuggles further back into his mountain of pillows, with Maya sleeping soundly cradled in his arms.

Finding no possible complications and a steadily growing stronger grace, Joshua nods and turns to leave. "Very well. It is best I make my way back to Heaven before any notice I have disappeared." Pausing at the bedroom's door Joshua turns and calls out softly "Congratulations on a beautiful daughter." Gabriel doesn't respond, having already let himself fall into a tired sleep. Giving one last smile to the newly formed family Joshua made his way down the steps of the house.

The Enochian sigils that blanketed the house kept him from flying out, just as they kept him from flying in, so he had to go out the front door. As he made his way to the front door, in burst a squad of policemen with their guns raised pointed at him, yelling him to get on the ground with his hands behind his head. Some of the squad split off to search the house. Joshua wasn't afraid of their mortal weapons in the slightest, but decided it was best to comply. What did worry him was all the noise they were—

A baby's scared wail tore through the air, along with a very distinct angry voice.

Gabriel was not amused. He was startled awake after just falling asleep, after just giving birth to his daughter, to a loud bang, a cacophony of loud shouting, and his child screaming in confused terror. Oh no. He was not pleased, at all. From what he heard all the noise was from the police.

"What are these idiots doing here?" he mumbled to himself grumpily as he tried to calm his wailing daughter. Hearing hurried footsteps make their way up the stairs, he snaps his fingers so there's a pile of linen and towel in a corner, soiled with blood and other fluids from Maya's birth. The bucket he had forgotten to get rid of now held the placenta and umbilical cord.

The police stormed in with their guns raised and flashlights pointed right into his and his daughter's faces. They begin trying to talk over each other asking if he was alright and if he was injured.

"SHUT UP!" Gabriel said in a raised voice, as he stood up from his bed, swaying and rubbing Maya's back soothingly as she still let out hiccupping whimpers and small cries. His movement brought attention to the swaddled infant in his arms and he was bombarded with even more questions. Gabriel was unimpressed.

He shoved his way past the policemen, who were trying to keep him in his room, and down the stairs to an interesting sight. His brother Joshua, in the vessel of an aging black man with grey and white speckling his scruffy beard, on his knees with hands behind his back being handcuffed. What the freaking hell?

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