Chapter 5: Holy Fucking Shit!

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AN: This chapter will be Gabriel going through the rest of his pregnancy and the birth of his daughter.

Warning: close call of infanticide

Remember to keep in mind the politics and views on nephilim in Heaven are very negative, and very few angels look upon them favorably or tolerantly. They have a law to kill the nephilim and its angel parent.

This doesn't reflect on my, or Gabriel's, views of what should happen to unwanted children who had no choice in whether or not they exist.


October-ish 1990, Toronto, Canada

It'd been about another month since his discovery of the growing thing inside him, but Gabriel at about 20 weeks/ 5 months into his pregnancy. His curves had become softer from some extra weight gain and his breasts were tender from growing a cup size. More and more of his grace had gone to the thing's ever growing grace and its general healthy development. This meant less grace for him and maintaining his vessel. It was slow at first, starting with the general fatigue and dizzy spells, but slowly he started experiencing more of the biological aspects of being human. Like craving certain foods or being repulsed by certain smells, which led to vomit. That was not a fun experience, especially since the thing, apparently, liked raw vegetables. Bleck! With his grace switching priorities he was starting to feel more of the symptoms of pregnancy coming on. If he already had a good deal of respect for human women it has definitely increased by at least 200%.

At the moment Gabriel was sitting on the couch watching the old idiot box, mostly channel surfing, while eating his current craving of (eugh!) carrot sticks, sliced peppers, cucumbers. With no ranch dip. Ranch dip at the moment was a vomit inducing trigger smell. It was obvious the thing was purposefully trying to torture him. Gabriel paused and decided to watch a new Seinfeld episode, snickering at Kramer's antics. About half way through he felt something odd from his abdomen. A light fluttering type feeling.

"What the—?" Gabriel looked at his mini bump where the thing was nestled, waiting for the feeling to come again, unsure if he just imagined it. When nothing happened he returned to watching George do something stupid, when he felt it again! He quickly snapped his head to his stomach. His eyes remained glued to his stomach while passively listening to the TV. Nothing. He looks up and—there! Again! Gabriel refuses to look back down and the fluttering feeling continues for a good 30secs before finally stopping.

He couldn't help himself. Honestly, he couldn't. Gabriel let out an amused snort as he unconsciously caressed the side of his little bump before shaking his head and moving his hand away. The thing had played a joke on him. The old I'll-do-something-while-you're-looking-away-but-when-you-look-at-me-I'll-be-totally-innocent-and-not-doing-anything-honest! It had to be one of the oldest tricks there was and, just at 5 months, this thing pulled it off, against him. 'Maybe...'

"Nooo! Nope! Nuh-uh! No way!" Gabriel says shaking his head and pushing any inkling of growing fondness for the thing inside him down, and burying it deep under metaphorical cement, then tossing it into the abyss. "Nice try kid, but the moment you're out, you are toast! So don't even bother." he says to his mini bump glaring. Gabriel almost expects a response of more fluttering, any minute now. Nothing. Good. Good. He didn't want it responding to his voice. He didn't need to get attached to the thing growing inside him, nope. This was good. Definitely did not feel the slightest bit of guilt from speaking to it so harshly. Nope. Nothing. Just as Gabriel turns to look away, just in time to see the ending scene of Seinfeld, he felt another flutter of movement.

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