Chapter 11: Its Happened

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April-ish 2003, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Over the last year and a half Gabriel and Maya mended their relationship and did their best to talk things out first. Or mainly remembered to give reasons why they did things and not just assume the other was a mind reader. That however was a little on the back burner in comparison to some other developments.

A happy development was Maya's powers and her training as a Trickster. Her illusions were almost perfect. It was just matching sound to movement, like lips, that was still giving her trouble. They were opaque now and looked very real but if they tried to make a sound it was similar to when visual and audio didn't sync up properly on a video. They also still weren't solid, and she could only make a single person or animal at a time. They still didn't stay too long, but stayed longer than they did before, so improvement!

Maya also found she could now summon items to her from a hundred feet away! She doesn't even need to be able to see the item anymore! As long as she concentrated on the mental image of the specific item she wanted she could make it appear in her hand with a snap. Well, as long as it was within a 100ft radius. All the sweets for her!

She'd also gotten used to using her eyes' weird ability to see into people's hearts. She didn't really like it because it made her feel like she was starring at them naked. So if she did use it she did a quick glance, a quick flash of a thin ring of purple light around her pupil. It usually was enough to tell if a person was rotten to the core or if they deserved a second chance after surviving a well-learned lesson from her Dad, or her, it depends.

A not so happy development? Puberty happened.


6 Months ago...

Maya and Gabriel were passing through another small town in the car that Gabriel owned. Couple years back Maya made him get one so she could stare at the moving countryside. Gabriel argued that he could just snap them anywhere. Maya had been prepared and said how was she supposed to get a feel for direction when they just pop up in Point B from Point A? That got him. There was no guarantee that Maya would have his ability of snapping somewhere, but if she did she'd need a more innate understanding of geography. Maya won, he snapped up a classy car.

It was late when Gabriel pulled into a Motel 6 and they checked themselves in, Maya making a beeline for the bathroom. A pair of pajama shorts and a tank top popped into the bathroom on the counter, along with her toothbrush and toothpaste. The message was clear, get ready for bed.

After going to the bathroom Maya began changing and was lifting off her day shirt when she looked in the mirror, catching her side reflection. Why were her nipples poking out further from her chest? Pulling her shirt off she began staring at her chest in the mirror looking from the front and side angles. What the hell? She even groped at them to get a feel for what her body thought it was doing. Apparently her body was making two small mounds of flesh protrude from her body. Not too sure what was going on she opened the bathroom door and walked out topless to ask her Dad if he knew.

"Hey Kinder Surprise you ready for—" Gabriel looked at his topless daughter for a moment. Normally he wouldn't care, but he noticed what Maya had noticed in the bathroom. He quickly turned around and looked away, his face heating up in mortification. "Maya please go put your shirt on or I will snap it on you." Gabriel choked out the demand.

"Uh sure but can you tell me what's goin' on with my chest? It has these two weird lumps form—" Maya didn't understand her Dad's reaction, but was interrupted before she could continue.

"They're your breasts developing, now please." Gabriel begged with his back turned. "Go put on a shirt."

Maya's face heated up as realization dawned on her and quickly bolted back into the bathroom closing the door. She remembered how her Dad explained why women wore tops to their bathing suits and men only needed trunks. She had accidentally flashed her father.

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