Chapter 7: That's My Daughter!

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September-ish 1992, Harrisburg, Illinois, United States

Since that day in late April Maya has been talking non-stop. She'd point to familiar objects and try to say their name. Sometimes she gets it, sometimes she doesn't, but she was improving constantly. She was already better spoken than most others at 18 months.

Her favorite word at the moment was 'snap'. When she wanted Gabriel to do some magic for her she'd get his attention, stick her arm out in a direction, try to snap her fingers, and excitedly say "SNAP!", or her best rendition of the word.

Gabriel found it endearing that Maya would try to copy him, but he'd had to feign tiredness when that's all she wanted him to do.

After the fifth snap of his fingers in a row, in the last hour, Gabriel fakes a yawn to his daughter, "Sorry baby cakes, Daddy's too tired now." Gabriel fake stretched and lay down on the floor and closed his eyes, listening as Maya made her way over to his face. Feeling a pudgy hand pat his cheek he opens one gold eye to see Maya's face right in his own face.

" 'ired?" Maya tried to whisper.

"Yep. Tired." Another fake yawn and tired sigh. "I think it's nap time."

Maya scrunches her face into a pout. "No nap."

"Yes nap." Gabriel grins at his daughter as she huffs crankily.

"No nap!" Gabriel had to admit she was pulling off an excellent pout but it was definitely naptime for all little nephilim.

"Sorry. Naptime for Bonzos!" Gabriel says smiling wide. Maya sees she's not going to win, so she gets up and attempts to run. Gabriel chuckles as Maya does a faster version of her toddling gate, her legs not yet coordinated enough to move faster. In an easy stride Gabriel picks up Maya with out stopping and takes the fussy whining toddler to her crib.

"NO NAP! NO 'IRED!" Maya protested greatly. Gabriel ignored her protests and placed her down in her crib, grabbing her favorite stuffed toys. Maya yelled and threw a tantrum as he turned off the light and partially closed the door. He didn't like hearing Maya so upset, but until she could go a whole day without a nap he needed to keep a nap schedule for her. He was thankful though that he soundproofed their apartment. Gabriel didn't think the customers in the business down below would appreciate a screaming child in the middle of the day.

It didn't take long for Maya to realize her Daddy wasn't going to come because of her screaming and crying. Sniffling in the dark Maya lies down clutching a stuffed blue elephant with red poka-dots, having expended the last of her energy. Closing her eyes she drifts off tiredly to sleep.

The tenseness in Gabriel's shoulders leaves as Maya's cries quieted. He never liked doing that to her, but last thing he needed was her falling asleep later and not being able to sleep through the night. Being a responsible parent was tough, especially when all he wanted to do was play and have fun with her.

It was a couple of hours later when Gabriel heard shuffling blankets and soft calls of 'Daddy?' coming from Maya's room. Turning on the light he found Maya, standing up in her crib holding on to the bars. The moment she saw Gabriel her face split into an excited smile and she made 'grabby hands' in his direction, wanting to be picked up. Gabriel was more than happy to oblige and give his daughter a quick snuggle once she was in his arms. Giggling Maya twists in his hold, one hand clutching his shirt, as she leaned away and pointed down into her crib.

" 'phan!" she said, making a grasping motion with her outstretched hand.

"You want your elephant?" Gabriel asked smiling as he bends over to pick up the stuffed toy.

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