Chapter 52: My Stalker Angel

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Mid-April-ish 2009, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

It was a warm spring day, the was air damp with the recent rainfall and the dirt was water soaked as it squished beneath Maya's sneakers as she scavenged through the scrap yard. She'd gotten a bit stronger over the last couple weeks. Perhaps not to what she once was, but she was getting close.

Probably wouldn't have had that chance if her Dad went against what she wanted and healed her on the sly when she was napping.

Maya frowned as she eyed the seemingly chaotically stacked vehicles around her as she looked for the Dodge Charger circa 1980's with the part Bobby needed. She released a heavy sigh when she thought about her Dad. She was still angry at the incommunicado stunt he pulled on her. Her thoughts revolved endlessly of him leaving her, abandoning her, not being strong enough for him...the broken trust she had in him didn't help either. She was also aware of that odd anger she'd felt before. It felt like a fire on the edge of becoming an all-consuming inferno. Maya worried that if she did, that it might swallow her up and she'd lose herself in it.

But underneath all this anger aimed at him...she still missed him. A part of herself just wanted to let go and lose herself in the comfort of one of his hugs. To ask him for help with this odd terrifying rage that she was experiencing. She craved his comfort...

Maya shook her head angrily at conflicting the feelings she felt. She didn't need him. She survived without him before. She could figure this 'rage thing' out on her own too. She didn't have much luck with Bobby's library, yet. But there had to be something in demi-god lore she could consult.

There was a reason pride was considered a sin. Wounded pride from her Dad healing her behind her back—even if she ended up being relieved and grateful for it—didn't help either.

Maya looked around again. This was the general location of 1980 model cars manufactured by Dodge. So, here's hoping Bobby didn't have a Charger placed slightly outside the area. It'd already take forever and a half if it was where it was supposed to be.

She sighed a little in relief when she quickly spotted an ugly green Charger on top of one of the taller stacks. Stuck in her thoughts Maya didn't think to take stock of the surrounding ground beneath said stack. If she did, she'd see quite a bit of pointy scrap metal. Not all that dangerous to walk around carefully, especially since the part she was after was quite small and something she could get out of the console. So, no worries of struggling to carrying an overly large part down the stack.

Damn collectors wanting original parts for everything, including the stereo/radio.

Maya looked at the stack of cars, her head tilted to look for the best route up. She started climbing the slick and damp metal. Wedging hands and feet into whatever crevice she could get a hold of. Some of which had water pooling in it. She'd wipe her hand on the work overalls she wore, then pushed and pulled herself up to the next spot she could reach.

She reached the Charger and saw the fully intact and raised window that she hadn't seen from the ground. With a frustrated frown she decided not to chance trying to find a foothold and open the door.

Unknown to Maya an invisible and silent winged guard watched her curiously.

The unseen sandy-blonde head with red and white striped hat tilted and frowned as the human voice inside his head hummed worriedly.

'What is wrong Alfie?' Samandriel mentally asked at his vessel's concern and worry.

'You don't see it? One slip and she's dead!' Alfie exclaimed as he avidly watched Maya's every move through their shared eyes. 'You gotta be ready in case she slips. If she falls, she's getting scrap metal through the chest!'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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