Chapter 21: The Holy Swirly

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AN: I realized I spelt the main FBI agent's name wrong, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it...ENJOY!

February-ish 2008, Monument, Colorado, United States

Dean, Sam, and Maya looked at the transport's door as it was opened.

"Alright you three, let's go," motioned the agent known as Reidy. Sam and Dean were brought off first followed by Maya. Reidy led the way to the local police station with Sam and Dean in tow, Maya behind them, and two armed policemen brining up the rear. One of which had Puck muzzled and on a tight leash. The little dog strained to walk right beside Maya as they entered the station.

Reidy stopped and they all paused to look at the female secretary (Nancy Fitzgerald), agent Henriksen, the deputy and the police chief in the bullpen. Sam looked around a little worried, Maya had a façade of confidence, and Dean smirked at the serious faces looking at him. Nancy looked nervous and scared, clutching her rosary.

Then Dean, of course, opened his mouth, "Why all the sourpusses?" He smirked widely. No one was amused, except Maya who decided to take a dig at Dean.

"Maybe 'cause they have to experience your ugly mug in person now," she sassed. She smirked as Dean looked behind him to glare at her.

"Ah, screw you Goldy! I'm adorable." He smiled confidently, until Maya spoke again.

"Yeah," she agreed, "the same way a really ugly dog is adorable." She was openly smiling now in amusement. Sam just shook his head at the two, because really? They're in some serious trouble and they're cracking jokes?

Dean scowled and put up a face of mock hurt as he patted his chest over his heart with his bound hands, "That hurt Goldy. Right here."

"That's enough," Henriksen ordered. All three of their attention goes to him. "Take the Winchester's to their cells," he nodded to Reidy as he walked towards them. "Leave 'Goldy' here," his eyes trained on the teenager who had stopped slightly between Sam and Dean. "I want to know who she is and why she's hanging around these psychopaths." Henriksen made a mental note at the subtle shift the Winchester's bodies made. Sam drew himself up a little taller behind Maya and Dean shifted a little more in front of her, both gave him hard stares. Even that confidence Maya tried to cultivate cracked just a little and she leaned a little more behind Dean.

"What's wrong Henriksen? Tired of me and Sammy already?" Dean smirked at Henriksen, but it didn't reach his eyes. Reidy grabbed his arm roughly to get him moving. "Hey! Watch the merchandise!" Dean protested as he wrenched his arm out of Reidy's grasp, but kept walking, shooting Maya a pointed glance then looking at the scared secretary's face as they walked by in rattling chains. "We're not the ones you should be scared of Nancy." Sam gave Maya a comforting pat on her shoulder with his big hand as he shuffled by her.

Winchesters were taken to their cell with their chains rattling all the way. The one guard handed off Puck's leash to Henriksen as he walked by when the FBI agent motioned for it. Apparently Maya wasn't worth armed escort. Hmph. Henriksen looked at Maya and took her arm and guided her into the bullpen. He sat her down at one of the chairs beside the desks.

Henriksen looked down at the teen sitting there looking up at him. Puck did his best to sit beside Maya and face the hostile man but the leash was still too short, he let loose a little whine behind his muzzle. Maya's eyes flickered from Henriksen to Puck at the whine, then back up.

"I'm going to un-cuff one of your hands and attach it to this desk here beside you," Henriksen motioned to the desk that had a bolted steel loop on hits side. "If you don't try anything I'll let you hold onto, Puck is it? I'll let you hold on to his leash, but the muzzle stays." He warned as he waited for an answer.

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