Chapter 29: Did You Mean It?

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AN: Helloooooo lovely peoples! I am not dead! Just procrastination and writing emotional stuff while trying to keep character! At least its really long, right?

Enjoy you're feels.


March 17 2008, Milan, Ohio, United States

Can't believe you're my daughter...half-breed disappointment...weak...pathetic...

Maya shifted restlessly in her sleep at her Dad's cruel words. Her face scrunched in fear and heartache. She griped her pillow tighter as her disbelief tried to bat the hurtful words away. Her Dad would never say things like this to her. It's not true... Right? Her certainty faltered.

The words, like sharks, smelled her doubt like it was blood in the water. Closing in.

What'd I do to get stuck with a half-breed disappointment like you?...Can't even conjure up anything real....You're too weak to be a child of Loki....You're no daughter of mine...

Words tore through her unconscious mind—and her heart—like well-aimed spears targeting every open gap her doubt and uncertainty created.

Why would I love something like you?

'No, no, no, no...' her sleep addled head shook back and forth to try and dislodge the painful words from her mind. The thoughts sunk their claws in, not going anywhere as a small whimper escaped her lips.

Puck had woken up from Maya moving in her sleep and her feet accidentally nudging him. He watched as his Mistress' face grimaced in her sleep and had heard the faint whimper escaping her lips. Carefully Puck walked the edge between Maya and the edge of the bed to get to her face. Puck nudged and licked the side of her face till golden eyes slowly began to open.

"Puck?" Maya asked blearily with a hoarse voice as she slowly woke up. Her Dad's words from her nightmare still fresh in her mind.

She pushed up her upper body, resting on her elbows as she looked around the dark motel room. Puck squeezed himself under her arm and licked at the silent tears she hadn't realized were falling.

Red glaring words of the motel alarm clock screamed 5:47am into the darkness like a mocking no vacancy sign.

Maya looked away and focused back on Puck who was trying to get every last traitorous tear to make her feel better. It worked, a little, as Puck's efforts pulled forth a small smile on her tired face. She stopped him from his continued energies by pulling him into a one armed hug and rubbed her face affectionately in his short brown and white fur.

"Thanks for waking me up buddy," Maya murmured, her voice further muffled by Puck's fur. She pulled away to rub at her tired eyes, but she knew there was no going back to sleep. Not with the way her heart was aching, and definitely not when all she wanted to do was sob.

Taking a deep breath Maya did her best to calm herself, but it was hard when a sob wanted to escape her throat. Whatever smile Puck gave her disappeared as she lay back down on her pillow and cuddled him to her chest.

"It was just a bad dream," Maya whispered softly to herself. She knew her Dad. She knew he loved why did the words of a monster terrorize her like this? Despite her tiredness she stayed awake. Maya took some comfort when Sam, in his sleep, decided to cuddle her again. She wasn't as annoyed this time.

It would be a couple hours before Sam woke up first, offering a mumbled apology from cuddling her again. He was surprised when she just shrugged listlessly as she held Puck close to her. Thinking she was still tired he went to the bathroom to get ready. Sam didn't see the remaining redness and puffiness in her eyes.

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