Chapter 2: Oh For Fuck's Sake

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September-ish, 1989 Toronto, Canada

Gabriel wakes with a start on his couch, not realizing he had fallen asleep. Normally angels don't need sleep, but it looked interesting enough that Gabriel had mastered the ability to conk out just over a millennium ago. He can honestly say he was probably addicted to it now, same as the refined sugar humans invented. Best. Human. Invention. EVER! Next to porn, of course. However, even though he was awake and alert he still had that faintness, that slight fatigue that he had when he flopped on the couch. It was better now, but not by much.

His vessels heart rate increases as he remembers, finally, the previous night's discovery. He, Gabriel the Messenger of God, was pregnant with a nephilim child.

"Oh for fuck's sake. I am so screeeeeeeewed," he bemoans rubbing his face. Any and all ideas he had the night prior wouldn't work to get rid of...of...this parasite growing inside of him. He'd thought last night about turning his vessel back into a male, no womb, no safe place to grow, instant abortion, problem solved!! No such luck. His grace more or less acted as a booster pack of power for the pagan powers that he acquired when he became a trickster. Thus making him more powerful than your average run of the mill trickster, and what made him THE Trickster god Loki. Now, however, with his grace betraying him it refuses to give more umph to his pagan powers. Therefore, the pagan mojo used to turn his custom made vessel into his current sexy female self wouldn't be able to reverse the process.

"When this nightmare is over, and I am my regular gender again, I am NEVER turning female EVER AGAIN! I'm using solid fucking illusions to lure in male assholes instead!"

Gabriel angrily stares at the blank wall across from the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. He was slowly coming to the realization that the only way out of this was to wait until this thingwas born and out of his body. Which if he guessed right from the size of the fetus should be in another 5 months or so. In which case the babe is born and the universe is torn apart from all the new power coming into existence. And he'd might be dead not long after the birth. Maybe. Probably.

"Shit..." he mumbles as THAT realization reaches his mind. Of course that's if the Heavenly Host doesn't shish kabob him before then for even getting pregnant in the first place... "Double-shit!!"

The only reason he could think of for not being found out was because of the little parasite being completely encompassed in his own grace, hiding it. However, with the way its feeding off of him he knew that as time progresses his grace won't be strong, or large, enough to keep it hidden. He's going to need to figure out a way to suppress its grace enough that it; a) doesn't get him found out, b) doesn't rip the known universe apart, and most importantly c) doesn't kill him on the way OUT!! All this before all his angelic powers become too weak to do anything other than protect the nephilim and feed its growing grace.

The only thing he can think of to bring down the number of problems from three to two would be making sure he's not found. It's easy enough to carve Enochian sigils on a human's ribs to hide them from demon and angel eyes, granted those humans were fully formed adults and didn't have a traitorous archangel's grace acting like an impenetrable shield.

Gabriel takes another look at the humanoid fetus growing inside him. Bone structures have formed but most of it was still cartilage, only having just begun absorbing calcium. Gabriel ponders over this. If the sigils appear in the cartilage will they stay when they're converted to bone? It should work...but how to get around his grace?

"UGH!! It's too early to think about this without a serious intake of sweet chocolately goodness!!" Snapping his fingers he uses his pagan mojo to conjure up an array of sweets and cakes. Gabriel smiles as he takes a large bite out of particularly fudgy chocolate cake. "At least cake hasn't betrayed me!" That was the only thing he was thankful for at the moment, food not betraying him. Since he was four-ish months along he was able to skip over morning sickness. Probably. Maybe. Groaning in another bout of aggravation he realizes he doesn't really know what to expect. He knew enough that it was hard on human females carrying their young, but he didn't really know many specifics other than dramatizations seen on TV, the obvious belly enlargement, and that childbirth SUCKS! So yeah, totally looking forward towards THAT in five months. Note the subtle, not subtle, sarcasm.

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