Chapter 32: Brain Bleach Please

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AN: If you got two updates but was still chapter 31, it was cause I realized I put the wrong destination for where Sam and Dean were going to investigate those demon omens. I fixed it...twice...I can make mistakes!


March-ish 2008, Peoria, Illinois, United States


Sam and Dean

"She's going to be pissed," Sam commented with a sigh as he loaded up the impala with their duffels outside the motel.

"Yep," came Dean's clipped voice as he headed to the driver's seat.

"Probably hurt that we pretty much abandoned her..." Sam added with some edge to his voice.

" wanna try convincing Bobby otherwise? Be my guest!" Dean snarked in annoyance as Sam plopped his giant mass in the passenger seat beside him.

Sam remained quiet knowing the answer was no, he didn't want to try. Not really. He knew it meant that Maya would be safe and they wouldn't have to worry about her getting even more hurt.

Also, Bobby. Sam liked to think he knew a losing battle when he saw one.

What rankled was how they were leaving her behind with Bobby. How many times when Sam was younger woke up to find his Dad and Dean already gone on some hunt, leaving him behind? Granted he was in his teens and the time gave him time to study hard, getting him into Stanford with a full ride, but that didn't mean it hadn't hurt.

Dean pulled out of the parking lot, shoulders tense and face pinched in a grimace, guilt glinting in his eyes. Some of Sam's guilt was eased, knowing he wasn't the only one who didn't want to do it this way either.

Leaving in the dead of night while their little sister slept, unaware that the Winchesters were leaving her behind. Oh they told her about going to burn Norman Endean's bones, but not that they wouldn't be coming back.

"...if we run into her again she's not going to be very happy with us," Sam pointed out with a defeated sigh, slumping back into his seat.

"Yeah. I know," Dean released a slow breath from his nose trying to release the unease he felt leaving Maya behind. She had put up a fuss about not going with them tonight, but Bobby had put his foot down and pointed out all her injuries, lack of coordination, and the big one: she was still grounded. Dean had chuckled beside her as she pouted and slumped into the couch with huffily crossed arms.

Dean was going to miss her theatrics and energy.

"So," Dean spoke out into the silence that had enveloped the interior of the impala. "Which one of us do you think she'll try to deck first next time we see her?" he said trying to make his tone light. Didn't work.

Sam huffed a laugh at his brother's attempt of lightening the mood, it didn't work, but he answered regardless, "Probably you."

"Why me?" Dean said indignantly. "I'm pretty sure I'm her favorite."

"I was going to say 'cause you're shorter and she'd be able to reach you," Sam snorted. "But if you're her favorite then she'll definitely be gunning for you." He was skeptical that Dean was her favorite, but that didn't stop his lips from quirking up slightly at the mental image of Maya trying to punch Dean in the face and Dean trying to calm her down.

Dean grumbled something about getting no respect from bitch-ass little siblings. Sam just rolled his eyes, his mind wandering to their current hunt up in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

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