Chapter 41: Careful What You Wish For

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November 2 2008, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States


Bobby walked out of his garage wiping an oil stained cloth over his equally oil stained hands and headed towards his house for a coffee break. He paused at the dirt driveway between the two buildings as he heard the familiar rumble of a '67 Chevy impala pull up.

He hadn't expected to see Sam and Dean that day, but it wasn't too unusual for the boys to show up out of the blue, so he changed his course and walked up to the parked car as its occupants exited the vehicle, stuffing the oily rag in his back pocket.

What did surprise the old Hunter was seeing both rear car doors swing open and two teens plus one small dog climb out. He immediately recognized Maya despite her new hair cut that made her remind him of someone he couldn't place right at the moment. And he especially took notice of the nicely formed dark bruise marring her cheek that had his parental instincts roaring.

Alright, who punched his youngest idjit?!

Bobby kept a calm composure as he looked askance at the bedraggled Winchesters as they stretched their long limbs and gave him tired greetings. He highly doubted it was either of those two given their own protective streak for the young female of their little group.

"Well don't you two look like shit," Bobby commented with a nod towards them.

"Yeah, well, you try driving with two hormonal teenagers in the back," Dean bit back grumpily as he cracked his back. "I have a whole new appreciation for what Dad went through when me and Sam were teenagers now."

Sam sent his brother a tired look at his attitude then looked back at Bobby, "It's, uh, been...a trying 24hrs."

Bobby sent them another speculative look then walked over to greet Maya and the new teenager.

"Hey My. Good to see ya girlie, but it'd be better if ya didn't look to be on the recievin' end of a good punch to the face," Bobby greeted the sad and slightly sheepish looking girl, drawing her into a brief hug that she easily returned. Releasing her he turned to the bespeckled kid standing crossly a few feet away by him self. "Who's yer friend?"

"We-we're NOT friends! Not-not any more!" Eli spat angrily in their direction, crossing his arms.

The tired sadness in Maya ebbed away briefly in the presence of her annoyance and her limited patience over the argument the two had been having for the last 24hrs. "And I told you, it wasn't my damn fault! Or my Dad's!" Maya growled back. "That witch-bitch was powerful! If he'd known she was there he'd have killed her, the warding wouldn't have fallen and that demon wouldn't have gotten in!"

"They wo-wouldn't h-have been circling the t-town i-if you we-weren't th-there in the f-first place!" Eli glared hatefully back at Maya.

Bobby could easily see the pain in his girl's eyes behind the anger that was being fueled by said pain...and something else. He could always read her like an open book.

Sam and Dean started complaining to Bobby that this was what they had gone through the last 24hrs and why they didn't bother stopping. It wasn't long after that that all four voices were overlapping each other and progressively getting louder as they tried to talk over one another, each one getting more and more annoyed with the others.

"ENOUGH!" Bobby shouted abruptly, cutting off whatever the two were going to say to each other next. "The four of ya—" Puck barked, forcing Bobby to roll his eyes at the diminutive dog, "Fine, and a half, in the house. Now! And not another word!" Bobby pointed to his house as he punctuated every word and looked at the children scattered in his yard.

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