Chapter 16: Tricky Angel

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Warning: mention of child rape and pornography


May 2 2007, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States


Gabriel was watching some movie on the television in the motel room, Maya leaning against him, her breathing calm as she dozed. That's when he felt it; a huge pulse of demonic energy burst forth onto the earthly plane. His body jolted in surprise and tensed, his arm wrapping protectively around his sleeping daughter. It came from...Southern Wyoming? But there shouldn't be any—the Hell Gate, it's open. That can't be good.

Gabriel reinforced the wards around the room from his spot, the last thing he needed was some powerful demon popping in unannounced. He already sensed that the seven deadly sins had escaped, those were some nasty ass demons. Then, as quickly as it began, it was over. The gate had been shut, but from his estimation? Not before a couple hundred demons dragged their scraggly asses out of Hell.

Maya shifted as she blearily woke up. "Is the movie over?" she yawned.

"No, but if you're this tired maybe it's time for bed?" Gabriel suggested as he paid attention to some ominous slithering clouds of black smoke outside. Maya grunted her ascent as she sluggishly moved away from him and went about getting ready. Once she was in bed and asleep, with Puck lying vigilantly at the foot of her bed, Gabriel stepped outside and locked the door. Using some angel mojo he made it impossible for anyone, but him, to walk into the room.

Gabriel spent the night combing the city for the fresh-out-of-Hell demons that thought this would be a good place to get their meat suits. They were so wrong. They picked the one city with not just an angel, but the one with an archangel, who happened to have their kid with them. He smited eight demons.

He wasn't sure if he got them all, before they disappeared from the city, or hid themselves, but it was eight less demons in the world that could stumble across his kid. Shit was hitting the fan and he didn't like where it was heading.

Why did this have Winchester written all over it?


Early July-ish 2007, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Sam and Dean were at Bobby's trying to find demonic omens to hunt down the sons of bitches that were released from the Hell Gate a couple months prior. Didn't help that the Hunter community was blaming them for it opening in the first place and releasing all those demons. It was fucking Jake, dammit! They went to stop it, or at the very least close it, which they did.

Sam poured over possible omens and Dean helped Bobby with deconstruction and reconstruction of the Colt, trying to figure out how it worked. At this point Bobby was carefully taking it apart and labeling each piece and making notes of where each piece fit in relation to each other. Dean was creating a cast for the special bullets the Colt used.

Sam moved a stack of lore books from the kitchen table to an out of the way corner in the living room, near the couch when he noticed a corner of a relatively thin book peaking out from under it. Curious, he grabbed the dusty book; it looked like a sketchbook. A ring binding and a black matte cover with the initials 'M.G.' in gold pen.

Curious, and in need of a little break, Sam sat down on the couch and opened the book. Each page was filled with doodles, studies of shapes, perspective, shading, and movement. Every couple pages there would be a full sketch of a scene, landscape or portrait of a random person, until he recognized one of the people. It was a page of different expressions of the Trickster him and Dean killed in Ohio. The next page was of the facial expressions of the Trickster's daughter, Maya. After a couple more pages, there was a quick sketch of Bobby's dilapidated house, even some common poses you can find the old gruff Hunter in. The next page was a scene of Bobby bent over an engine, back to the viewer, head turned to look at Maya to his right. She was leaning up and over the side of the car, trying to see what he must have been telling her about.

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