Chapter 37: Audi Vocem Maem Parere

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End of September 2008, Carthage, Missouri, United States

Sam and Dean

It'd seemed like more time had passed since the Rising of the Witnesses occurred, for both Sam and Dean, than what had actually passed.

Not two days later did Dean have the trench coat clad angel telling him, "You have to stop it", after he woke up in the middle of the night from a Hell-ish nightmare.

A poke to the forehead and he woke up in Lawrence, Kansas...freaking 1973. Learning his mom was a Hunter, from a long line of Hunters in fact. Got to meet a young baby faced John Winchester and his Hunter grandparents, the Campbell's. Got to see his grandparents possessed then killed by ole yellow-eyes himself.

And stared helplessly as he failed at keeping his mom from making the deal to let Azazel into Sam's nursery in exchange for bringing his Dad back.

Castiel brought him back to the present and told him destiny couldn't be changed. That what was meant to happen will find a way to happen. No matter the road you took.

Then informed him of his brother's...activities.

That was a revelation he didn't need, but he got two revelations instead of just the one that night.

His brother, Sam, was using his demon ESP shit to exorcise demons with his mind and cavorting around with that demon skank, Ruby.

Dean hadn't returned to the Willow Hotel till morning. He hadn't been able to look at his brother till he had time to cool down enough to get his things.

Apparently he wasn't as okay with dealing with Sam as he thought, when he ended up punching him in the face. Twice, and that son of a bitch let him.

Sam tried to defend his actions, point out how many people he was saving, but Dean shook his head and told him point blank, "If I didn't know you...I would want to hunt you. And so would other Hunters."

Sam told him that he was gone and he had to try and keep fighting on his own, and it works.

So Dean told him what Castiel had told him. That if Dean didn't stop him, then the angels would.

They would've probably got more into it if Travis hadn't called with a case coming up over in Carthage, Missouri.

Apparently something called a Rougarou was a thing. A guy born with something evil in him that would have to fight against it to keep from turning into a monster.

Sam tried pointing out that if they told Jack what was happening he could fight it. Keep him self from completely turning.

It'd be a day before Dean confronted Sam on the way to Jack Montgomery's about his conflicting emotions regarding the case.

You know, both being nice guys with something evil inside them. Something in their blood.

That tipped Sam over the edge and demanded Dean to pull over.

The impala barely reached a stop when Sam was already opening the door and ready to confront his brother over the crap he'd been putting Sam through the last couple days.

"You want to know why I've been lying to you, Dean? Because of crap like this," Sam told him as they walked to the front of the car.

"Like what?" Dean demanded, feeding off of Sam's own anger.

"The way you talk to me, the way you look at me like I'm a freak!" Sam yelled as he strode past him angrily.

"I do not," Dean denied, causing Sam to turn on a dime.

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