Jealousy and Human Parts

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3rd Person's POV

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3rd Person's POV

As Cordelia, Angel, and Laney sit in the library, Xander can be heard outside in the hall.

"So, both coffins are empty. That makes three girls signed up for the army of zombies."

Willow frowns, "Is it an army if you just have three?"

Angel gets up from the table and faces them. Cordelia clings to his arm and gets up, too. Laney glances over at Angel's uncomfortable face and chuckles to herself making him glare at her playfully.

"Zombie drill team then." Buffy replies to Willow not noticing the three in the library waiting.

"You're back."

Buffy jumps slightly, "Angel!"

Angel looks at Xander who is standing beside Buffy and frowns, "Xander."

Xander shrugs, "Angel."

Angel looks over at Buffy, "I thought you were takin' the night off."

"I, I was, um, but something came up."

Angel sighs, "Cordelia told me the truth."

Xander chuckles, "That's gotta be a first."

Laney rolls her eyes, "Don't be rude Alex."

Giles walks past the awkward group, "Um, as long as you're here, perhaps you could be of some help. Hmm?"

Buffy nods, "We were investigating. Somebody's been digging up the bodies of dead girls."

Angel goes to move forward but Cordelia is still wrapped around him, "I know. We found some of them."

"You mean, like, two of the three?"

Laney gags just thinking back to a few minutes ago, "No he means, like, some of them... Like parts."

Cordelia sniffles, "It was horrible. Angel saved me from an arm. God, there were so many parts, they were everywhere. Why are these terrible things always happening to me?"

"Karma!" Xander coughs to cover it)

Willow grimaces, "So much for our zombie theory."

Giles rubs his temple, "So much for all our theories."

Buffy crosses her arms across her chest as she paces, "I don't get it. Why go to all the trouble to dig up three girls only to chop them up and throw them away? It doesn't make any sense. Especially from a time management standpoint."

Angel shrugs, "Well, what I saw didn't add up to three whole girls. I think they kept some parts."

Laney frowns as bile rises in her throat. She gulps and digs in her purse for gum, "Could this get yuckier? I mean what the hell do they want with human parts?"

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