First An Undead Cat... Now A Booze-less Hootenanny

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3rd Person's POV

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3rd Person's POV

Buffy walks along the road on the sidewalk, looking around as a truck drives by. She hears something fall to the ground and break, and stops to look in the direction of the sound. Slowly she starts to walk in that direction.

The sound takes her to an intersection in a nearby alley. Buffy comes around the corner and looks down the adjoining way. There she sees a man dressed in black, walking suspiciously, as though looking for something. She begins to follow silently, but doesn't notice an empty aluminum can on the pavement, and steps on it.

The man reacts instantly to the noise, spins around and swings at her with a stake. Buffy throws up her arms and cross blocks the swing, then deftly takes the stake from the man's hands and raises it to counter attack. He steps back, and the white cross hanging from his neck swings around, standing out in marked contrast to the rest of his attire. Buffy sees that it's Xander, and stays her attack. Xander is taken completely by surprise and just stares back at her.

Buffy stands lowering the stake from him then shakes it playfully, "Didn't anyone ever warn you about playing with pointy sticks? It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye."

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!"

He breathes hard, trying to catch his breath. He looks at her, trying to convince himself that it's really her, and finally manages a weak smile.

"Jeez, Buff!"

Suddenly a vampire smashes his way out of a crate leaning against a wall. He lunges at Xander and Buffy, knocking them and himself to the pavement. Xander quickly tries to grab the vampire as he gets up, but the demon grabs Xander instead and pulls him up. He draws his fist back for a punch, but Buffy jumps in and hits the vampire in the stomach with a powerful side kick, making him fall backwards into a pile of trashcans and bags.

Cordelia's voice comes over the walkie-talkie at Xander's belt, "Come in, Nighthawk! Everything okay?"

Buffy halts taken aback, "Nighthawk?"

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