Chapter 60: Finale

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"Hiccup come downstairs, they'll be here any minute" Astrid yells as she touches up her lipstick.

"Okay what do you think" Hiccup asks as he shows off his outfit. Astrid skims him but shakes her head when she reaches his tie.

"Honey, that knot is terrible" she says and starts to undo it. Hiccup knows his wife well and therefore doesn't object but smiles as she fixes it.

"2 years worth of marriage and I have yet to tie a knot that pleases you" Hiccup chuckles as he watches Astrid tie a perfect knot. She's very skilled in the matter so within 5 seconds she's done.

"Oh honey one day you'll learn" she says and peaks his lips. She felt warm in his arms but he could also feel the almost electric nervousness trembling inside her.

"Nervous?" He asks while hugging her close.

"A little".

Today wasn't just any normal day. Today was Saturday. Hiccup shook by the thought of telling his parents the news. He felt more nervous than the time he had to sign the Hiccup-Frost collaboration. Actually, when he thinks about it, he wasn't nervous at all when he signed the contract. Because he had Astrid by his side, just like now, therefore this couldn't go wrong.

"It's going to be just great" Hiccup smiled into her hair as he kissed it. The couple's happy moment got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"It's time" Hiccup mumbles as he gets more and more nervous. Luckily, he has Astrid to grab his hand and ensure him everything is going to be alright.

"They're going to be thrilled" Astrid replies and walks towards the door. Hiccup takes one last breath before joining his wife in greeting the guests.

In the door comes Stoick with a large smile, together with Astrid's parents whom had flown in to hear the big news.

"Good to see you again kids" Stoick almost shouted as he rushed to hug his son and daughter-in-law. After the two love birds was let out of Stoick's form grip, they quickly let everyone into their living room and got everyone seated.

With Stoick and Astrid's parents sitting comfortably on the sofa, Astrid and Hiccup could finally cut to the nitty gritty.

"Well you must be wondering why we asked you to come here today" Hiccup said nervously while rubbing his hands together.

"thought you just missed us!" Gloria laughed which spread to the other parents. Hiccup and Astrid chuckle nervously as they know these news will change their lives forever.

"Well" Astrid start to try and gain the control of the conversation again "We have some pretty big news".

This caught the attention of the parents and their laughter died down. The room was for once quiet and everyone was waiting impatiently for the important news.

"What is it, Mija?" Astrid's father asked calmly. The parents' eyes were firmly locked on the love birds as Hiccup took a big breath before telling the news that would change their little world.

"We're moving" Those news made Stoick's face drop to the floor.

"What do you mean you're moving?" Stoick's voice was loud like thunder and his Scottish accent got thicker with his anger. Astrid and Hiccup had just gotten married and settled down in New York so the thought of them leaving wasn't even discussable in Stoick's mind.

"Dad it's for an important cause" Hiccup tried to calm his father down but Stoick was already seeing red.

"What about work? Where are the two of you even going to move to?" Stoick asked one question after the other without letting the young couple answer.

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