Chapter 91

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A few weeks later

At the airport

Laura:(pouts) I miss Florida

Ross:(wraps his arm around her) Oh it's okay Laur, we'll probably go back soon

Stormie:(Smiles) This is a good family trip, huh?


Mark:(Wraps his arm around Stormie) We should go back sometime

Laura:(Smiles nodding)

Ross:(chuckles and kisses her cheek) You're so cute

Laura: I know (Smiles and rest her head on his chest)


Laura:(plays with her necklace)

Ross:(Smiles) You like it?

Laura:(nods) I love it (kisses his cheek)

Ross:(Smiles and peck kisses her lips)


Riker: You guys are cute, it's disgusting

Ross & Laura:(laughs)

Ross: Shut up Riker, no need to be jealous that you don't have a girlfriend

Riker:(waves it off)

Rocky: When will he get a girlfriend?

Riker: Hey! I can get one

Ryland: Since when?

Riker: What about you, huh?

Ryland: I have Savannah you idiot

Riker: Oh yeah.... (looks at Rocky)

Rocky: Dude I already got a girl

Riker:(groans and looks at Rydel)

Rydel: Don't look at me, you know I'm waiting for the right guy

Riker:(looks at Ross)

Ross:(chuckles) Sorry man, you should already know I'm with someone

Riker:(sighs) You're right, I can't get a girl

Stormie: Oh I'm sure you'll find someone sweetie

Riker:(looks at Stormie) Really?


Mark: To be fair, you are our children


Rocky: Here, I'll help you (stands up and gets Riker up walking away)

Laura: I kind of feel bad for your brother

Ross: He'll find someone, we are the Lynch's after all

Laura:(chuckles) Yeah I guess

Ross:(kisses her cheek) I love you

Laura: I love you too (Smiles) (yawns)

Ross: You sleepy?

Laura: Just a little

Ross: Well go to sleep then

Laura:(yawns and cuddles up to him falling asleep)

Ross:(smiles and peck kisses her lips gently not waking her up)

Rydel:(Smiles) Awe! You two are so adorable

Ross:(chuckles) Thanks sis (takes a box out of his jacket pocket and fiddles with it in his hand)

Mark: What's in the box son?

Ross: Nothing

Stormie:(gasps) I know that kind of box any where! Same height, same width

Ross: Alright mom, sheesh. It is what it is

Ryland: I'm sorry, I still don't get it

Ross:(opens the box and shows it to them)

Rydel:(Smiles) OMG! You're gonna propose!

Ross: Shh! You're gonna wake her up (looks at Laura)

Laura:(groans but goes back to sleep)

Ross:(sighs in relief) Don't wake her up!

Rydel: Sorry

Stormie: Oh my stars! Ross it's beautiful

Mark: It has Laura & your's favourite colour

Ross:(smiles) I know, Laura even picked it out saying how beautiful it is (looks at it)

Stormie: When are you gonna propose?

Ross:(Shrugs) Don't know yet. I mean, we did just get back together

Rydel: Yeah but before that. When you didn't break up, you guys were so happy and so..... so together. You guys were the it couple of California

Ross:(smiles looking at Laura)

Ryland: I don't know about you but you should propose soon bc I don't think she wants to wait

Ross: Yeah maybe. I just don't know when to do it

Mark: You'll know son, you'll know

Ross: How did you know when it was the right time to propose to mom?

Mark: Well.... she did yell at me

Stormie:(hits him) That did not happen

Mark:(chuckles) Okay it didn't

Ryland: Seriously? I thought it was believable

Stormie:(rolls her eyes)

Mark:(Smiles) It'll come to you Ross, don't worry

Ross:(looks at Ross and sighs) Okay

Rydel:(smiles) Ross and Laura sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage--

Ross: I get it Rydel, don't have to be more annoying than you already are

Rydel:(sticks her tongue out at him)

Ross:(looks down at Laura and kisses the top of her head) I love you so much

Laura:(Wakes up and looks at him) Huh?

Ross:(eyes widen) How long were you up?

Laura: I just woke up

Ross:(Sighs in relief) Oh okay

Laura: Why?

Ross: Just wondering, you were sleepy and I wanted to make sure you had all your rest

Laura:(smiles) Awe (kisses his cheek) You're so cute

Ross:(Smiles and puts the box in his jacket pocket without her noticing) I know (smiles)

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