Chapter 3

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With Rydel & Laura

*Rydel already showed Laura her room so now they're in Rydel's room talking*

Rydel:... That's all of them

Laura: They all sound really cool

Rydel: They are. Once you get to know them good enough like me, they're really fun to hang with

Laura: So... why is Ross so grumpy?

Rydel: Oh.. um....

Laura: Sorry for asking. You don't have to answer

Rydel: No it's okay. It's a long story though

Laura: I got time (smiles)

Rydel:(smiles) Okay then. So.. a year ago Ross wasn't this obnoxious person you met. He was sweet, caring, lovable. Just the sweetest person you could ever meet

Laura: So what you're saying is, he is the exact opposite from what he is now

Rydel: Pretty much. Anyways, my mom and dad adopted a girl. Her name was Julie. Ross and Julie were so happy with eachother, they were like best friends forever or something. We all loved Julie deeply. Then... a couple months past and Julie felt ill and got sick... (tears up) S-She died... Ross was the saddest out of us all. Ross and Julie had a really good friendship. And now.... she's gone. Ever since Julie died, Ross has been a real asshole jerk and Maia's not making it any better. She's been a bad influence for him... (looks down) I just miss the old Ross

Laura: I'm sorry Rydel (hugs her)

Rydel:(hugs back) Ross was my favourite brother to hang with, now he's a different person. Like I don't even know him

Laura: I'm sorry to hear that Rydel, you must feel really hurt in the inside

Rydel: I do (pulls away) And call me Delly or Del. It's my nickname

Laura:(nods) I bet Ross feels hurt to in the inside. Maybe's that's why he's been acting like a jerk, to hide those feelings inide of him. That's why he's being a big doofus but don't worry Delly it will get better soon

Rydel:(sighs) I sure hope so. So do you want to watch t.v?

Laura:(nods) Sure

Rydel & Laura:(walk downstairs and watch t.v)

A few hours later
In Ross's room

Raia:(still making out)

Maia:(pulls away) got to go baby, sorry

Ross: Oh okay, bye babe

Maia: Bye (kisses his cheek and walks downstairs)

Rydel:(sees her) Oh Maia, leaving so soon? To bad (sarcasm)

Maia:(rolls her eyes) I got to go home

Rydel:(fake smiles) Well bye (mumbles) bitch

Laura:(hears her and giggles)

Maia:(hears her too) (rolls her eyes) Ha ha ha... so funny (sarcasm) L8r whore (walks out)

Laura: Man! What a skank

Rydel: I know right

Stormie:(runs out of the kitchen) Is she gone?

Laura & Rydel:(nods)

Stormie: Ph thank god! Yes!

Laura & Rydel:(laughs)

Stormie: Anyways, I need you two to get your siblings down for dinner

Rydel: Hold on (runs up to her room and runs back holding a mega phone) This is how we'll get the guys down here

Laura:(giggles) Awesome!

Rydel: Okay on 3. 1..2..

Laura & Rydel: 3! (yells in the mega phone) DINNER'S READY!!!

everyone: Alright!

Laura & Rydel:(laughs high fiving eachother)

Stormie:(laughs) Come over here girls

Laura & Rydel:(sits at the table)

everyone:(walks down and sits at the table)

Riker: Thanks alot Laura & Rydel. I think you popped my eardrums

Rydel:(smiles) We try



After dinner

*Laura and Rydel are up in Rydel's room*

Riker: Ross, do you want to join us in our revenge with the girls?

Ross:(scoffs) No, that's sounds lame (goes upstairs)

Ryland:(rolls his eyes) Ignore him. What's the plan?

Rocky:(tells them the plan) Got it?

Riker & Ryland:(nods) Yup

Rocky:(nods) Hold on (runs upstairs to his room grabbing 6 cans of silly string) (runs back down) (smirks) Now we're ready (hands them two cans)

Riker & Ryland:(smirks) Let's do this

the guys:(goes upstairs right to Rydel's front door)

Riker:(whispers) Ready?

Rocly & Ryland:(nods)

Riker:(whispers) 1..2..

the guys: 3! (opens the door and...)

Rydel & Laura:(spray them with silly string)

the guys: Ah!!

Ryland: Retreat! Retreat!

the guys:(runs away)

Rydel: Yeah! We got them!


Rydel: Nice job partner

Laura: Same here


Laura: I think I'm gonna like it here a lot (smiles)

Was it love or all a lie? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora