Chapter 51

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Everyone: What?!

Ross: I'm moving out

Mark: But why?

Ross: Bc I want to and I can. I'm 18 now and I already bought a house so there's no chance of you guys trying to get me out of this

Stormie:(tears up) B-But Ross, y-you can't

Ross: I'm sorry mom, everyone else but it is what it is. Now I'm gonna go pack

Riker: When are you leaving?

Ross: Tomorrow morning

Rydel: Ross this is insane

Ross: It's not

Laura: Ross if it's about me or whatever I can move out, not you

Ross: It's not you Laura, it's just what I want. I want to live my own life

Rocky: You can

Ross: But in my own house. I want to settle down, get married, start a family

Ryland: Listen to yourself big brother! You're only 18

Ross: I'm an adult and I can think about these things. I'm packing whether you like it or not (goes upstairs)

Stormie:(Cries into Mark's shoulder)

Laura:(tears up)

Rydel:(looks at Laura)

Laura:(quivers and falls down)

Rydel: Laura! (catches her)

everyone:(but Ross) (runs in the kitchen)

Stormie: What's going on?

Rydel: I don't know, Laura just fell

Laura:(cries) I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-- (passes out)

Riker: Okay, I think she's had enough for one night (picks her up)

Mark: Bring her to her room, Riker

Riker:(nods and goes upstairs)

Stormie: I think we should all go rest like Laura, this is a lot to take in

everyone:(nods and goes upstairs to their room)

The Next Morning

everyone:(but Laura) (downstairs eating breakfast)

Riker: Where's Laura?

Rydel: She still hasn't woken up

Rocky: Well she better wake up or else she won't get a chance to say goodbye to Ross

Ross: It's not like she would anyways

Ryland: Dude, I may not be the smartest but I do know that she still loves you

Ross:(scoffs) Yeah right

Rydel:(tries to hold the secret in)

Riker:(looks at Rydel) Rydel don't

Rydel:(shakes her head)

Ross:(looks at Rydel) What is he talking about Rydel?

Rydel:(can't take it) (blurts it out) LAURA STILL LOVES YOU! (takes deep breathes) Thank god that's out

Ross:(eyes widen)

Riker: Nice job keeping a secret Rydel

Rydel: I'm sorry but he had to know, besides I couldn't hold it in anymore

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